1840s-1900s Better Postal History, better balance of over 50 covers from stampless to a few 20th century, better includes #14 four margins pen cancelled to Cal., #29 strip of three to France, some Black Jack related like #63, #73 used on 3¢ #U59 entire, #73 on printed circular by Nesbitt, 1853 Steamer Franklin Lake Champain h.s., #77 pair to Paris and forwarded, #62B (not tied) to Canada, few legal size, etc; some faults, F.-V.F. Estimate $500 - 750.
Realized: $950

1851-57 3¢ Postal History, group of 20 covers including #11A tied by red grid with Jackson Te., #25 from Madison Wis., 1850s turned cover with #11A and turned with #26, and #11A cancelled by "Lawrenceville N.J." straightline; some flaws, F.-V.F. Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $140
1860's Era Postal History, 12 items, including Union patriotic 3 used & 7 unused, #73 on "Headquarters Fourth Brigade California Militia" Official Business legal envelope to Sutter Creek, Amador Cty; "Head-Quarters, Pennsylvania State Agency, Washington, D.C. Official Businesss" with interesting contents. Estimate $250 - 350.
Realized: $290
1861-1868 3¢ Postal History, Group of 36 covers with some grilled stamps, better includes early Sante Fe, New Mexico Territory use to Taos, #64b large margins tied by sharp "Portland Or. Feb 24" dcds, 1863 "Marriottsville B & O. R.R." oval on cover to Frederick City Md., some auxiliary markings incl. several "missent", "unclaimed" and "Due 6", three different towns with "Free" h.s. used as canceler, etc., some faults, interesting lot, F.-V.F. Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $375

1870-79 2¢ Jackson Postal History, small group of 16 covers with 2¢ brown or vermilion frankings, a variety of auxilliary markings including due, advertised and return to writer handstamps, F.-V.F. Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $210
1870-88 Bank Note Postal History, better group of 23 covers with some interesting auxilliary markings, registered uses and high-value frankings, better includes #161 used from Shanghai China, #207 with poor strike of Naperville Indian Head fancy cancel, #190, 189 Wesson Mich. to Alabama, #148, 154 Cleveland to Cincinnati, #151 strip of three to Galveston Tex., some auxiliary markings and foreign destinations, etc., F.-V.F., an interesting group. Estimate $400 - 600.
Realized: $500
Booklet Panes on Cover, 1907-1928, interesting group of 12 covers, all franked with complete booklet panes, including 301c (minute tear UR but cat $4,500 used; also #C10a on 1927 Lindbergh Day flight cover postmarked Springfield, Aug 15, 1927; and other covers all with booklet panes, please inspect. Estimate $300 - 400.
Current Opening Bid: $145

Classic Cover Balance, 1857-1861, attractive group of 10 covers, franked with 1¢, 2¢ & 3¢ issues, including imperf 1¢ with arced "PAID" cancel on cover with red Springwater N.Y. cds, #24 with nicely centered 1¢ strip of 3; 2¢ black grill #87 tied to printed price sheet by blue duplex New York with negative star in circle killer; another 2¢ very well centered with red New-York cancel; several covers franked with #11, one with 3 singles paying triple rate New York to Richmond; another with #10; #26 said to be rare grid with Watertown N.Y. cds, on patriotic envelope with red & blue edges on reverse & embossed Union shield; another #26 in combination with Blood's Philad'a Penny Post with 1857 Blood's Dispatch cds; finally #65 on printed circular to Germany; neat & clean lot with much retail potential. Estimate $400 - 600.
Realized: $525
Consignment Balance, two albums of mostly 20th century covers, 1872 NYC post office notice concerning proper addressed of mail for prompt delivery and advising of PO Boxes, 1841 "Report of George Plitt, Special Agent of the Post Office Department", two illustrated circulars for W. Coffey's Private Letter Box system, Dec. 7, 1863 N.H. sanitary fair circular; a faked patriotic and few fake coils, Fine. Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $135
Cover Balance, mix of 29 covers & cards with a few misc. items; includes some unusual postal stationery items, #C18 flights, late 19th century illustrated ads, 1909 Steamship Ticket Agent corner card registered with 10¢ Wash-Frank, etc.; inspect. Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $325