Savage .303, illustrated design in red, green & black on 1897 cover showing Indian in Full Headdress with Rifle, caption reads "A White Mans Rifle with a Red Mans Name", franked with 1¢ Bureau issue (torn prior to use) tied by San Francisco, Ca. Oct. 5 machine cancel to North Yakima Wash., printed text advertising on reverse, which appears to be a type written note to Baker & Hamilton (senders of this cover) which is datelined "Emmett, Idaho, Sept. 20th, 1897" and reads, "Gentlemen:--I have been in the Mountains hunting for a month, hence the delay in answering yours. Three of us got 15 Deer. We had 2 'Savage' Rifles and they are the best gun made to my notion, although I used a 40/65 Winchester, but if I ever go again a 'Savage' goes with me.", Extremely Fine. Estimate $1,000 - 1,500.
A stunning cover which is very rare, this design was not present in the Biddle or Beals sales, and is the only example we have every offered, which realized $2,100 plus 15% in our Dec. 2006 sale.
Realized: $5,250
Savage Hammerless Rifles & Ammunition, Multicolored illustrated design on 1904 cover showing Indian Chief Portrait & Rifle, franked with 2¢ Louisiana Purchase tied by San Francisco, Ca. May 13 machine cancel to New Albany Ind., reverse with all-over illustrated design in red showing "Savage Model 1903-22 Caliber Repeater" with text, "This Rifle will be used exclusively at the St. Louis Worlds Fair 1904 in the most wonderful shooting gallery ever built to be known as the Hunting in the Ozarks"; small part of flap missing, Extremely Fine, one of the most spectacular gun designs known. Estimate $750 - 1,000.
Realized: $1,250
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Savage Hammerless Rifles & Ammunition, multicolored illustrated design on 1903 rebacked cover front showing Indian Chief Portrait & Rifle, franked with 1¢ 1903 Issue tied by Tacoma Wash. 1903 machine cancel to Boston, Mass., a Very Fine front, one of the most spectacular gun designs known. Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $375
Savage Arms Co., orange and black illustrated design on 2¢ Postal entire used in 1911 showing Automatic Firing Pistol, cancelled by Utica, N.Y. Oct. 16 machine cancel to Detroit Mich., Very Fine. Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $180
Savage Arms Co., orange and black illustrated design on 2¢ Postal entire used in 1913 showing Automatic Firing Pistol & Pointing Hand, cancelled by Utica, N.Y. Jan. 6 machine cancel to Worcester Mass., Very Fine, a rare design. Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $190
Spencer Repeating Shot Gun, illlustrated design on 1894 cover showing "12 Gauge - Fine Damascus Barrel" Shotgun, franked with 1890 2¢ Banknote tied by New York May 5 duplex cancel to Wilmington, Del.; couple tiny opening tears, Very Fine. Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $95
Sportsmen's Emporium, brown illustrated ad on yellow 1887 cover showing Single Barrel Shotgun detail, franked with 1883 2¢ red brown tied by San Francisco Cal. Apr. 22 duplex, reverse with illustrated ad showing American Wood Powder, this merchant was an agent for Bullard, Marlin, Kennedy and Winchester arms; couple mounting marks on back, F.-V.F. Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $1,000
J. Stevens Arms & Tool Co, illustrated design on 1880s cover showing Stevens Long Barrel Pistol, franked with 1¢ Bank Note Issue canceled by cork cancel to Warren Mass.; reduced slightly at right, Fine and rare early design. Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $375
The J. Stevens Arms & Tool Co., illustrated design in violet on 1894 cover showing "Stevens Mod. 94", franked with 1890 2¢ Regular Issue tied by Chicopee Falls, Mass. Sep. 29 duplex to Branford Conn., Extremely Fine. Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $100
J. Stevens Arms & Tool Co., design on cover showing Stevens No. 55 Ideal Lady Model, franked with 2¢ Bureau tied by Chicopee Falls, Mass. Oct. 10 duplex to Elmira N.Y., Oct. 11 receiving backstamp, reverse with illustrated advertising of "Stevens Favorite No. 17", Extremely Fine and choice. Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $425