Ashtabula County Covers, 1820-90's, 26 covers; postmarks with manuscripts including 1847 Wayne, 1837 Rome, 1826 Unionville, 1844 Austinburgh, etc., other with 1847 Unionville cds in green, 1850's Austinburgh blue cds (with and without "H"), also a New Lyme 2¢ Blackjack drop, generally F.-V.F. or better. Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $180

Athens County Covers, 1840-1910's, 20 covers; postmarks include 1827 Athens fancy box date stamp, manuscript postmarks with 1831 Coolville (P.M. free frank), 1851 Lee, 1845 Nelsonville, 1850 Federalton and 1840 Hocking City, 1870's Floodwood and Salina manuscripts, 1895 Anthony registered, etc., generally F.-V.F. or better. Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $270

Brown County Covers, 1830-90's, 22 covers; postmarks include 1844 Ripley manuscript, Decatur with 1840's manuscript usages (one free frank), 1860's Hamersville cds on cover franked with #63 strip of three, 1860's manuscript postmarks from Freesburgh and Bloom Rose, 1860-70's Saint Martins small cds's, etc., generally F.-V.F. or better. Estimate $150 - 200.

Butler County Covers, 1820-90's, 14 covers; postmarks include Hamilton with 1833 manuscript, 1839 straight line and 1898 illustrated ad cover with 2¢ Trans-Miss franking, 1830 Middletown manuscript on triple rate cover, 1870 Jones Station manuscript, 1874 Seven Mile cds on cover to England, etc., generally F.-V.F. or better. Estimate $300 - 400.

Carroll County Covers, 1830-90's, 19 covers; postmarks include 1847 Shobers Mills manuscript, 1833 Carrollton manuscript (earliest?), 1860's Cabello manuscript, 1850's Oneida Mills manuscript (unlisted in A.S.C.C.), 1895 New Harrisburg cds on registered entire, etc., generally F.-V.F. or better. Estimate $150 - 200.

Cincinnati, O. Covers, 1810-50's, 28 stampless covers; includes a selection of 1810-20's rimless cds's (both types) showing various rates, 18p30's cds's in black and red, 1850's including matching straight line Steam handstamp and several transatlantic usages to France and Germany, generally F.-V.F. or better. Estimate $400 - 600.
Realized: $450

Cincinnati, O. Covers, 1850-90's, 33 stamped covers; nice basic range of postmarks and stamp usages including #68 to Canada, many ad covers including illustrated, host of duplex postmarks, 2¢ Blackjack and Pictorial drops, etc., generally F.-V.F. or better. Estimate $250 - 350.
Realized: $220

Cleveland, O. Covers; 1828-34, 4 covers; each with different type of red boxed date stamp, includes A.S.C. types I, II, IV and the scarce type V on double rate cover to Philadelphia, Pa., all full clear strikes, Very Fine and choice. Estimate $250 - 350.
Realized: $150

Cleveland, O. Covers, 1830-50's, 34 covers; an array of cds types as well as rate handstamp including Roman numeral "V" & "X" handstamps, "Free" in red and black, manuscript rates, integral, etc., generally F.-V.F. or better. Estimate $250 - 350.
Realized: $200

Cleveland, O. Covers, 1850-1900's, 50 covers; mostly domestic usages including many early illustrated ads, 1860's fancy pumpkin face duplex, couple 1870-80's usages to England including 3-color triple 5¢ U.P.U. rate, circular and registered, etc., generally F.-V.F. or better. Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $270