Wells Fargo & Co., Austin N.T., Aug 11, blue oval date stamp on fresh 1861, 3¢ pink entire to Placerville, Cal. with company blue frank at top, reverse with paste-up of upper portion of second blue frank entire on reverse paying the double rate; cover with slight roughly opening at right, otherwise Very Fine, a very rare paste-up usage of the Wells, Fargo & Co. blue frank. Estimate $200 - 300.

Wells Fargo & Co./Austin, N.T., blue oval datestamp on two different 3¢ pink entires (U35, U58) with type E printed franks, first to Virginia City, N.T., second to San Francisco, Very Fine. Estimate $150 - 200.

Wells Fargo & Co., Austin, N.T., Mar 12, blue oval date stamp on 1870, 2¢ green entire to New York, tying "W.B. Wilson, Druggist and Apothecary, Austin, Nevada" illustrated corner card label, black company express frank and "San Fran To Ogden, R.P.O." cds and cork duplex canceling, Very Fine. Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $300

Wells, Fargo & Co., Battle Mtn Stn, Feb. 19, perfect strike of blue oval handstamp on 3¢ green entire with company frank to Sacramento, included is original enclosure on Wells, Fargo & Co. stationery dated "Feb 19th 1878", Very Fine and choice, quite certainly one of the finest strikes of the rare Battle Mountain Station express marking. Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $375

Wells Fargo & Co's/Express/Belleville, Nev., clear purple oval handstamp on 2¢ red entire (U54) with type E printed frank to San Francisco, backstamped San Francisco Wells Fargo oval, Oct 17, 1883; cover tears, Very Fine strike. Estimate $50 - 75.
Realized: $95

Wells Fargo & Co./Belmont, Nev./Sep 20, well struck blue oval handstamp on 6¢ red entire (U85) with type E printed frank, unaddressed; slight mounting remnants on reverse, Very Fine. Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $160

Wells Fargo & Co./Carlin [Nev.]/Apr 20, blue oval datestamp on 3¢ pink entire (U58) to San Francisco, no printed frank; docketed 1869 on reverse, Very Fine. Estimate $75 - 100.
Realized: $210

Wells Fargo & Co., Carson City, clear strike of blue oval date stamp on 3¢ Star Die entire to Sacramento, Cal., black company frank at top, Very Fine. Estimate $100 - 150.

Wells, Fargo & Co./Carson City/Mar. 1, blue oval date stamp on fresh 1864, 3¢ pink entire to San Francisco with company frank at top, Very Fine. Estimate $75 - 100.
Realized: $65

Wells, Fargo & Co., Elko, Mar. 13, blue oval handstamp on 3¢ green entire to San Jose, Cal. with company frank at left, entire with beige allover shaded ad of "Russell and Bradley, General Merchandise, Forwarding & Commission, Elko, Nev.", reverse with black "Wells, Fargo & Co./San Jose" oval arrival dated "Mar 18" indicating a 5 day transit time which seems excessive considering the existent railroad network; vertical file fold at center and small tear at bottom right, Very Fine and attractive. Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $350