1831 (Jan. 1) New York to Schiedam, Netherlands, folded letter sent privately to England to unknown Liverpool agent, carried by Black Ball Line New York from New York Jan. 1 to Liverpool arriving Jan. 28, Liverpool (1.28) backstamp with red "Paid at Liverpool" h.s. and red manuscript "6/3" 6s3d prepaid rating, London (1.31) transit, Schiedam (2.5) arrival backstamp with manuscript "100" Dutch Cents due rating; file folds, Very Fine, a scarce New York to Netherlands use via England as most mail was sent via France, only one other cover is recorded. Estimate $300 - 400.
Prior to April 1835, letters to Holland were held for postage at London until all transit fees were paid; therefore, agents in the United Kingdom had to be used. Letter paid 6s3d for a letter to Holland with two enclosures after being corrected from 4s2d payment (letter with one enclosure). This amount consisted of 3 x 11d transit to London less 3 x 2d reduction for foreign letter mail from outside London plus 3 x 1s4d foreign fee to Holland. Dutch entry from England was at Brielle 10 miles west of Schiedam. Dutch marked 2 x 50 Dutch cents postage due for 15-30 gram weight letter by packet from England.
Realized: $250

1847 (Nov. 22) Baltimore, Md. to Schiedam, Netherlands, folded letter endorsed "per French Steamship New York", blue "Baltimore Md. Nov 22" cds with matching "Paid" and "5" circled rating for prepaid inland postage, carried by Herout & deHandel Line New York from New York Nov. 25 to Havre arriving Dec. 12, blue "Le Havre 1 Paq. Reg. 1 12 Dec" entry cds, Schiedam (12.15) arrival backstamp with "50" Dutch Cents due rating, Very Fine, covers by the short-lived Herout & deHandel Line steamship company are quite scarce. Estimate $200 - 300.
Letter marked for 5¢ payment in pencil when taken to window at Baltimore post office. Later, the blue handstamps were applied. It was carried on 8th of 9 round voyages of the Herout & de Handel Line. Postage due consisted of 50 Dutch Cents for French sea postage plus 30 Dutch Cents for transit from the exchange point of Mons to Schiedam.
Realized: $425

(Retaliatory Rates) 1848 (Dec. 26) New York, N.Y. to Schiedam, Netherlands, blue folded letter with New York pencil "58" cent prepaid rating for double weight, carried by Cunard Line Niagara from Boston Dec. 27 to Liverpool arriving Jan. 8, London (1.9) arrival backstamp and manuscript "3/4" 3s4d debit to Netherlands, Schiedam arrival backstamp and manuscript "230" Dutch cents due rating, Very Fine, Carried on the 26th and last retaliatory rate voyage to the United Kingdom. Estimate $200 - 300.
This was a double retaliatory rate from the port of Boston for a letter posted in New York. London debit to Holland consisted of 2 x (1s transatlantic packet fee + 8d U.K. portion under 1843 convention). British debit of 3s4d was equivalent to 200 Dutch Cents to which was added 1½ x 20 Cents for the Dutch portion under the convention. Letter weight was between 16-24 grams, but not marked on the cover.
Realized: $190

(Restored Rates) 1848 (Dec. 30) New Orleans, La. to Schiedam, Netherlands, folded letter with black "New Orleans La. Dec 30" cds and matching "Paid" with "34" prepaid rating, carried by Cunard Line America from Boston Jan. 24 to Liverpool arriving Feb. 4, London (2.5) backstamp and manuscript "1/8" 1s8d debit to Netherlands, Schiedam (2.8) arrival backstamp and manuscript "120" Dutch cents due rating, some fold wear, Fine, Scarce retaliatory rate letter from New Orleans sent during the restored rate period. Estimate $200 - 300.
Letter in last mails to leave New Orleans under the retaliatory rate order and arrived in New York too late to go out on the 10 January 1849 sailing (first sailing under the restored rates). Letter sent to Boston and was carried on second eastbound voyage under the restored rate order. Letter sent to Rotterdam, then re-directed to Schiedam.
Realized: $170

(Restored Rates) 1849 (Jan. 22) Philadelphia, Pa. to Schiedam, Holland, folded letter with blue "Philada. Pa. '5' Jan" integral rate cds and matching "Paid" framed handstamp, carried by Cunard Line America from Boston Jan. 24 to Liverpool arriving Feb. 4, London (2.5) transit backstamp and manuscript "1/8" 1s8d debit to Holland, red script "Engeland/over Rotterdam" backstamp and manuscript "120" Dutch Cents due rating, Schiedam (2.8) arrival backstamp; fresh and Very Fine, a scarce eastbound restored use to Holland. Estimate $300 - 400.
Philadelphia erred in collecting only 5¢ as distance to Boston was over 300 miles and required a 10¢ prepayment. Postal clerk may have been thinking of the new British Open Mail rate of 5¢, which had been announced but was not yet effective. Scarce example of restored rate to the Netherlands, a rate in effect for six weeks only from 3 Jan-15 Feb 1849.
Letter carried on 2nd of 3 Cunard mail eastbound voyages to Liverpool during six week period when pre-retaliatory rates were resumed before U.S.-G.B. postal convention became effective.
Realized: $240

1849 (Feb. 19) New York, N.Y. to Schiedam, Netherlands, folded letter sent at 5¢ open mail rate, carried by Cunard Line Niagara from Boston Feb. 21st to Liverpool arriving Mar. 6th, London (3.7) backstamp and manuscript "1/8" 1s8d debit to Netherlands, Schiedam (3.8) arrival backstamp and manuscript "120" Dutch Cents due rating, Very Fine. Estimate $150 - 200.
When U.S.-U.K. convention went into effect it lowered the transatlantic sea portion of the rate from 1s to 8d; however, the British and Dutch did not recognize this reduction until 21 March 1849. London debit to Holland consisted 1s transatlantic packet fee + 8d U.K. portion under 1843 convention (equivalent to 100 Dutch Cents), to which was added 20 Cents for the Dutch portion under the convention. Scarce combination of rates in effect only five weeks.

1852 (Mar. 1) New York to Schiedam, Netherlands, folded letter with red "New York Mar 2"cds, carried by Cunard Line Cambria from Boston Mar. 3 to Liverpool arriving Mar. 16, London (3.17) backstamp and "ART - 5 / US. Pkt." h.s. with manuscript "8" pence debit to Netherlands, Schiedam (3.18) arrival backstamp with manuscript "60" Dutch Cents due rating; two file folds, Very Fine, first example recorded of London version of the ART-5/US. PKT. marking. Estimate $300 - 400.
Letter sent on British packet, but apparently at London got mixed with American packet mail carried on same steamship. Letter marked for U.S. packet service and Dutch debited 8d instead of 1s4d. Dutch marked 60 Cents due based on British debit. ART-5/US. PKT. handstamp applied in error. This style of marking has upright letters instead of the slanted letters of the Liverpool marking.
Realized: $425

1860 (May 10) Savannah, Ga. to The Hague, Netherlands, cover with "Savannah Ga. May 10" cds and matching "Paid" with "42" prepaid rating for double rate, red "New York 'Paid 36' May 15" exchange cds, carried by Cunard Line Canada from Boston May 16 to Queenstown arriving May 27, Havre (5.29) entry cds with matching large "P.D." framed h.s., Hague (5.31) arrival backstamp, top edge and flap fault, F.-V.F., Uncommon French mail rate to the Netherlands. Estimate $150 - 200.
Letter prepaid 2 x 21¢ = 42¢ for the ¼-½ oz. rate to the Netherlands under the U.S.-France Postal Convention. New York credited 2 x 18¢ = 36¢ to France. Since a British packet carried letter across the Atlantic, the U.S. retained only 2 x3¢ = 6¢ of the prepayment. French marked "2" rates in the upper left corner and large boxed P.D. to show letter fully paid.
Realized: $250