1864 (Nov. 24) Hawick, Scotland to Morley, N.Y. via Portland Packet, mourning cover from bearing 1862, 4d vermilion, pair and single, tied by Hawick (11.24) duplexes, carried by Allan Line St. David from Londonderry Nov. 25 to Portland arriving Dec. 20, red "Portland Me Am. Pkt. 'Paid' Dec 20" exchange cds, partial "21 Cents" G.B. credit to U.S.; couple perf flaws, Very Fine, a scarce Portland packet use, one of only four recorded examples of this "21 Cents" marking. Scott No. GB #34 Estimate $200 - 300.
"St. David" broke her screw on December 14 off Cape Race and was towed into Portland by the Allan Line steamer "Damascus". The red circular 21/CENTS marking is a mystery as it doesn’t appear in the British rate impression books nor in any published literature of markings. While it may seem appropriate to be a Liverpool marking, as they were required to mark the credit, it may ultimately turn out to be a Portland marking.
Realized: $1,300

1865 (Dec. 4) London, England to Greensboro, Ala., cover bearing G.B. 1s green tied by London (12.4) duplex, red "21/Cents" credit h.s. to G.B., carried by Baltimore & Liverpool S.S. Co. Mexican from Liverpool Dec. 9 to Baltimore arriving Jan. 5, red "Baltimore Am. Pkt. Jan 6 1866" exchange cds, Very Fine, this was the only voyage of the Mexican for this steamship line. Estimate $300 - 400.
In November 1865 an exchange office for British mails was established at Baltimore, Maryland. Mails carried directly to and from Liverpool by American contract steamships was processed here instead of being sent to New York. The Baltimore & Liverpool Steamship Company, which had the American contract between Baltimore and Liverpool, was in operation for only three years. Covers carried by this steamship company are quite scarce.
Realized: $3,000

1866 (Sep. 10) Alford, England to Claridon, Ohio, mourning cover bearing GB 1s green tied by Alford (9.10) duplex, red London (9.11) backstamp and matching "21" credit h.s. to U.S., carried by Baltimore & Liverpool S.S. Co. Worcester from Liverpool Sep. 12 to Baltimore arriving Oct. 2, red "Baltimore Am. Pkt. Paid Oct 2 1866" exchange cds; some edgewear, Very Fine. Estimate $200 - 300.
In November 1865 an exchange office for British mails was established at Baltimore, Maryland. Mails carried directly to Liverpool by American contract steamships was processed here instead of being sent to New York. The Baltimore & Liverpool Steamship Company, which had this contract, was in operation for only three years. Covers carried by this steamship company are quite scarce.
Realized: $2,800

1868 (Mar. 14) Liverpool, England to Boston, Mass., folded letter with Liverpool (3.14) origin backstamp, carried by Cunard Line China from Liverpool Mar. 14 to Boston arriving Mar. 26, "Boston Br. Pkt. Mar 27" exchange backstamp and matching unlisted "In U.S. Notes 37" depreciated currency marking, Very Fine. Estimate $300 - 400.
Letter posted in Liverpool Packet Letter Office (circular datestamp on reverse). Letter was a double rate letter and required 2x12¢ (the new treaty rate) = 24¢ postage due if paid in coin or 37¢ in depreciated greenback notes. The latter included a 5¢ unpaid letter fine in addition to the premium for the depreciated currency. Boston used a 24mm. circular IN U.S. NOTES marking to indicate the notes fee only.
Realized: $725

1870 (Nov. 19) Liverpool, England to Boston, Mass., folded letter with Liverpool (11.19) cds, carried by Cunard Line China from Liverpool Nov. 19 to New York arriving Dec. 2, "Boston Dec. 3" backstamp and "In U.S. Notes" handstamp with blue crayon "19" cent depreciated currency due rating, Very Fine. Estimate $200 - 300.
Letter in closed mail bag for Boston and does not show any New York markings. Since letter was a double rate letter, the postage due in coin was 2x6¢ = 12¢ plus 6¢ unpaid letter fine, established by the new treaty.
Realized: $270

1872 (Jun. 15) Queenstown, Ireland to Philadelphia, Pa., cover with "Queenstown JU 15 '72" origin cds, carried by Cunard Line Russia that departed Jun. 16 and arrived at New York on June 25, Philadelphia blue "In U.S. Notes / 13" depreciated currency marking; opened at right, Very Fine, a scarce Philadelphia depreciated currency marking, unlisted in A.S.C.C. Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $800

1874 (Jan. 15) Liverpool, England to Philadelphia, Pa., blue folded letter with "Philadelphia Pa. Jan 29" entry cds and matching "Ship Due 6" handstamp, carried by Pennsylvania from Liverpool Jan. 16th to Philadelphia arriving Jan. 29th, Very Fine, A scarce non-contract steamship voyage. Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $220