Austria, Collection, 1850-1955, mint mounted on album pages with used mostly confined to early issues; excellent completion throughout starting with mixed 8/o classic issues approaching completion to complete with later Franz Josef defines in complete mint sets, 1908-16 Portraits complete and following Birthday set, later issues occasionally missing an issue for completion (no Dolfuss issue), semi postals with good sets missing only the scarce items, airmails including 1850-53 Birds set, due and military, newspaper issues needing to be checked, good showing of Treiste occupationals and completion in Offices, also includes Lombardy-Venetia issues with better unused issues present; condition little varied with nice fresh material throughout, owner's catalog in excess of $46,980 not counting reprint material. Estimate $4,000 - 6,000.
Realized: $3,750

Austria, Collection, 1850-1900, mostly used mounted on album pages; includes near basic completion in regular issues for the period as well as 5 full pages of cancellation study, newspaper issues with strong completion and highlights including the 1851 (6kr) yellow Mercury used (Sc. #P2, repaired at top, with Sorani certificate, cat $9,250) and other good later issues, Offices in the Turkish Empire with few first issues including mint 5sld red and completion in later issues, Lombardy-Venetia with complete basic regular issues and the rare Newspaper Tax 1858 1kr black (Sc. #PR1, cat $3,750, with APS cert.), includes additional four full pages of cancellation study, etc.; condition a little mixed mostly confined to rare issues, otherwise above the norm overall; worth careful inspection. Estimate $2,000 - 3,000.
Realized: $4,250
Austria, Collection, 1850-1965, on Scott Specialty pages & 3-ring pages, excellent coverage from classics, semi-postals, airmails & back of the book issues, near completion for the period lacking only the scarcest; needs closer examination, please inspect. Estimate $600 - 800.
Realized: $325
Austria & Switzerland, 1850-1974, displayed in Scott Specialty album, Austria with decent selection of classics, onwards through the 1930's-60's, good back-of-the-book including military, Bosnia, etc; Swiss with Sitting & Standing Helvetia's, commemoratives & semipostals well filled for the period; good selection of Officials & Bureau's; also some scattered Liechtenstein. Estimate $600 - 800.
Realized: $700
Austria & Switzerland, Collections, 1850-1984, in Lighthouse hingeless album & stockbook, the Austria from classic 1850 imperfs, quite well filled afterwards, including back-of-the-book, airmails, dues, military, some gaps in semi-postals, newspaper, Lombardy-Venetia & Austrian Offices quite full, Serbia, Bosnia-Herzegovina also quite full; well worth a more detailed examination; Switzerland in large stockbook with mostly semi-postals, U.N. Offices, etc; lots of value in need of being tabulated; condition generally F-VF or better, mostly fresh mint or the usual c.t.o., please inspect. Estimate $500 - 750.
Realized: $650
Austria, Collection, 1850-1936, mounted on KA-BE pages, including better classics, best are 1930's semi-postals and other issues, with used 1936 10s Dolffuss; WIPA, Rotary singles, condition generally F-VF, respectable catalog value, please inspect. Estimate $500 - 750.
Realized: $750
Austria, Collection, 1850-1990, mostly used in Schaubek & Scott Specialty albums, some duplication between the 2, from Classics and Imperial onwards, some interesting back-of-the-book, needs more careful evaluation, please inspect. Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $160
Austria, Stockbook, 1850-1972, neatly displayed in attractive stockbook, usually with mint & used side by side, some duplication, earliest classics nicely used, quite full **/o after about 1960, closer evaluation recommended, o.g., hinged or never hinged. Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $200
Austria, Collection, 1850-1975, on Scott Specialty pages, generally used 19th Century, mostly fresh mint from the 1930's; note semipostals & airmails, some back-of-the-book; please inspect. Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $190
Austria, Collection, 1850-1982, in Minkus & Scott Specialty albums, most of value in post-War; also note some back-of-the-book, military, etc; please inspect. Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $75