Mexico, 1872, 12c blue, Veracruz, imperf, cons 50-73, tied by rimless Vera Cruz cds on 1873 folded letter to Tampico, with 12c Hidalgo (port to port rate) sent via "Eider", with British "4" (in crayon) postage paid, very late usage of the "Paid at Vera-Cruz" crown circle in black; small cover tear at top, otherwise Very Fine; with 2008 MEPSI certificate. Scott No. 82 Estimate $2,000 - 3,000.
Realized: $2,100

Mexico, 1872, 25c red, watermarked "LA + F", Mexico, pin-perf, cons 1-74, canceled by "B.2" in circle handstamp (Schatzkes 832) on folded letter sheet to Puebla, light cds at center, Very Fine and scarce. Scott No. 89a Estimate $300 - 400.

Mexico, 1872, 100c lilac, Ures, unwatermarked, perf'd, cons 49-73, o.g., hinge remnant, fresh and Very Fine. Scott No. 104 $150.
Realized: $60

Mexico, 1880, 4c orange, on piece with mixed franking 1884, 6c & 10c issues, from small town of Tlalpujahua; small flaws, otherwise Very Fine. Scott No. 105+155+156 Estimate $60 - 80.
Realized: $75

Lot 1110 P
Mexico, 1874-78, 5c-100c Hidalgo issues, plate proofs on card, fresh with full margins, Very Fine.Scott No. 106P-111P Estimate $300 - 400.

Lot 1111 P
Mexico, 1874, 10c, 50c-100c Hidalgo, plate proofs on India, fresh with full margins, Very Fine.Scott No. 108P, 110P-111P Estimate $150 - 200.

Mexico, 1874, 25c blue, Guanajuato, cons 52-76, 2 strips of 3, tied on piece by Valle de Santiago cancels, Very Fine. Scott No. 109 Estimate $100 - 150.

Mexico, 1874, 25c blue, Mexico, con 1-77, tied by town postmark on 1877 folded letter sheet to Llanes, Spain, due handstamps and reverse with uncanceled Porte De Mar 10c black, transit boxed handstamp and red entry postmark, Very Fine, a rare Port De Mar issue usage; with 2008 P. Scheller certificate. Scott No. 109+JX10 Estimate $400 - 600.
Realized: $300

Mexico, 1881, 1c-50c Hidalgo issues, singles on 3 pieces mixed frankings with the 1884 issue, including an impressive piece with $3.30 made with 1 peso stamps, Very Fine. Scott No. 120-121 Estimate $75 - 100.

Mexico, 1879, 1c brown + 5c orange, Hermosillo, uncanceled on cover to Boston with U.S. 3¢ Banknote tied by cork handstamp with matching "Tucson, Ariz., Jul 17, 1882" cds alongside, although Mexican stamps are not cancelled, the rate and the routing via Tucson indicate a Mexico origin, Very Fine. Scott No. 123+125 Estimate $75 - 100.
Realized: $290