
1893, 1¢ Columbian, Perforation Errors, group of three multiples; corner margin pair with left vertical perforation row wide from stamps (6½-7½mm away), corner margin block of four showing dramatic veering of vertical perforation row to the left, and right margin vertical strip of 10 with imprint (some creasing) showing a downward veering of horizontal perfs cutting into some of the bottom stamps, o.g., never hinged, F.-V.F., a very interesting group. Scott No. 230 Estimate $500 - 750.
Realized: $450


1893, 2¢ Columbian, Perforation Errors, group of three multiples; left margin vertical strip of three with left vertical perforation row wide from stamps (6½-8½mm away), bottom right corner margin pair showing dramatic veering of right vertical perforation row to the right, and block of four showing almost completely blind vertical perfs, o.g., never hinged, Very Fine, a very interesting group. Scott No. 231 Estimate $250 - 350.
Realized: $525

1893, 2¢ Columbian, Crazy Perforations, top left and bottom left corner margin blocks of four showing margin misperforation from corner fold overs, o.g., hinged or never hinged, Fine, an interesting pair of block. Scott No. 231 Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $1,050


1893, 2¢ Columbian, Crazy Perforations, two different bottom right corner margin blocks of four showing margin misperforation from corner fold overs, o.g., never hinged, Fine and unusual. Scott No. 231 Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $1,050

1893, 2¢ Columbian, showing wide veer of left vertical perforation row capturing the impint, right margin block of 20 with imprint, o.g., reinforced perfs in bottom block, others never hinged, defect in top right stamp, otherwise Fine. Scott No. 231 Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $1,250
1893, 3¢ Columbian, o.g., lightly hinged, perfectly centered amid evenly balanced margins, rich color, an Extremely Fine gem, choice and undergraded; with 2011 P.S.A.G. Graded certificate (90, SSV $70) (no photo). Scott No. 232 $45.
Realized: $75

1893, 5¢ Columbian, o.g., lightly hinged (light gum bend), near perfect centering amid large evenly balanced margins, rich vibrant color and brilliant freshness, an Extremely Fine gem, a marvelous mint gem; with 2011 P.S.A.G. certificate. Scott No. 234 $70.
Realized: $90

1893, 10¢ Columbian, o.g., lightly hinged, precision centering amid attractively balanced margins, deep rich color and very fresh, Extremely Fine; with 2011 P.S.A.G. Graded certificate (85, SSV $140). Scott No. 237 $110.
Realized: $100

1893, 50¢ Columbian, full o.g., lovely centering, deep rich color, tiny thin at bottom, Very Fine appearance; with 2012 P.F. certificate. Scott No. 240 $500.
Realized: $100

Lot 1251 o
1893, 50¢ Columbian, San Francisco oval cancel, very well centered amid large balanced margins, rich color, Extremely Fine to Superb; with 2011 P.S.A.G. Graded certificate (95).Scott No. 240 $200.
Realized: $625