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Sale 47: The Westpex Sale

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Postmasters' Provisionals & 1847 Issue

Lots 1166-1175 Lots 1176-1178

Lot 1176 ()   

1847 (1875 Reproductions), 5¢-10¢ complete, without gum as issued, margins clear to large, strong colors, 10¢ with faint horizontal bend at top, F.-V.F.
Scott No. 3-4    $1,825.

Realized: $1,000

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Lot 1177 ()   

1847 (1875 Reproduction), 5¢ red brown, without gum as issued, generous margins, Very Fine.
Scott No. 3    $825.

Realized: $525

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Lot 1178 ()   

1847 (1875 Reproduction), 10¢ black, without gum as issued, generous margins, crisp color, minute thin spot, lovely Very Fine appearance.
Scott No. 4    $1,000.

Realized: $575

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Lots 1166-1175 Lots 1176-1178

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