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Sale 47: The Westpex Sale

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Foreign Country & Worldwide Collections

Lots 3778-3787 Lots 3788-3797 Lots 3798-3807 Lots 3808-3817 Lots 3818-3827 Lots 3828-3832

Lot 3798 /o   

British America, Collection, 1852-1969, extensive collection with the majority in the Pre-1950 issues in excellent condition there are many, many high values and key sets here as the collector seemed intent on getting better items in exceptional condition; a true treasure trove, with a huge retail value group of easily saleable material (on Scott pages).
Estimate    $2,000 - 3,000.

Realized: $4,250

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Lot 3799 /o   

British Asia, 1876-1971, mostly Malayan States in Minkus album, most of value in 1930's-1950's singles and part sets, mixed mint & used; including Malaysia & Singapore; please inspect.
Estimate    $200 - 300.

Realized: $260

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Lot 3800 /o   

British Asia, Collection, 1880-1960, displayed on Scott pages, with most value in Malayan States and North African Offices for Aden, Bahrain, etc; please inspect.
Estimate    $150 - 200.

Realized: $210

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Lot 3801 /o   

British Commonwealth, Collection, 1841-1955, on quadrille pages, much of value in Great Britain including used QV to £1 green (watermark 3 orbs); KGV including Seahorses; much KGVI definitives; scattered British Pacific and other colonies, needs closer examination.
Estimate    $200 - 300.

Realized: $500

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Lot 3802 /o   

British Commonwealth, Selection, 1860-1960, sundry group on black stockcards, including various QV issues, 4 Kings & QEII, with some better high values, needs proper examination, please inspect.
Estimate    $200 - 300.

Realized: $300

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Lot 3803 /o/   

British Commonwealth, Balance, 1895-1960, collection including Malayan States & Straits Settlements, Brunei including covers, Zanzibar; also some Persia & Ethiopia; interesting lot worth a closer evaluation, please inspect.
Estimate    $200 - 300.

Realized: $675

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Lot 3804 /o   

British Commonwealth, Revenue Collection, approximately 2,000 stamps arranged and identified on stockpages in binder; nice basic representation throughout with dozens of countries represented, includes West Indies / Caribbean with Bermuda, British Guiana, Jamaica including embossed duty, St. Vincent, etc., North & Central Africa with Uganda, South Africa with issues from Union of South Africa, Stellaland, C.G.H., Griqualand, Transvaal, etc., Europe including Ireland including embossed adhesive issues, Gilbralter with stamp issues KEVII to the 8sh and KGV with values up to the 10sh mostly mint (as these issues where used for both postage & revenue), Indian Ocean states with a good run of Ceylon issues, Mauritius, North Borneo, etc., Asia with a good showing of Hong Kong and Strait Settlements; includes some on document items.
Estimate    $750 - 1,000.

Realized: $2,000

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Lot 3805 /o   

British Commonwealth, Collection, 1900-1980, including British America in Minkus album with some better 1930's Canada, and Cook Islands in stockbook; somewhat scatterred in the album but some useful; please inspect.
Estimate    $300 - 400.

Realized: $425

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Lot 3806 /o   

British Africa & Asia, Collection, 1901-1985, Africa in one loose leaf quad page album, with selections from most southern Africa colonies, including South Africa and S.W. Africa; nothing of great value but lots of attractive thematics; British Asia in heavy duty stock book with decent showing of Malayan States and modern commemoratives, New Zealand souvenir sheets, Pacific Islands and much more; please inspect.
Estimate    $200 - 300.

Realized: $260

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Lot 3807    

British Commonwealth, Accumulation, 1935-1980, selection of blocks & sheets of the period, much value in KGVI & QEII, usually single values rather than sets, still some better to £1; best seem to be New Zealand, Australia & Dependencies, Pacific, Africa & Caribbean; virtually all fresh clean never hinged, some surprises here and there, should be inspected; owner's 2011 SG catalog value approximately £38,000=$61,000.
Estimate    $2,500 - 3,500.

Realized: $4,750

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Lots 3778-3787 Lots 3788-3797 Lots 3798-3807 Lots 3808-3817 Lots 3818-3827 Lots 3828-3832

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