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Sale 47: The Westpex Sale

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Foreign Country & Worldwide Collections

Lots 3778-3787 Lots 3788-3797 Lots 3798-3807 Lots 3808-3817 Lots 3818-3827 Lots 3828-3832

Lot 3788    

Austria, 1797-1918, 110 covers plus about 10 Newspapers (1814-ca.1857). Includes "Recepisse," postal stationery (mostly used), stampless folded letters, and covers. Among the covers is a nice "Kolinska Cikorka" illustrated cover; mostly selected for their cancellations and usages; a very nice cancellation specialist lot.
Estimate    $300 - 400.

Realized: $250

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Lot 3789 /o   

Austria, Czechoslovakia and Hungary, 1850-1918, collection of hundreds in albums as well as on stockcards, sheets, and stockbooks. Includes Austrian empire cancellations, many identified and sorted by province, and a mounted, specialized selection of shade varieties of the 1890-1906 Franz Josef definitives. Czechoslovakia, 1921-1955, all used cancellation stock. Hungary in "Belyegalbum," a collection of ca. 1908-1920 definitives on pieces, each selected for the quality of cancellation (about 800); please inspect.
Estimate    $400 - 600.

Realized: $575

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Lot 3790 o   

Austria, Group, 1850-59, small accumulation of 1st issue (114) 2nd issue (58), nice variety of cancels, perfs, etc.; nice lot for the specialist.
Estimate    $200 - 300.

Realized: $100

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Lot 3791 /o   

Austria & Hungary, Revenue Collection, approximately 1,000 stamps arranged by countries and issues on stockpages; Austria with a good showing of 1854-1965 General Duty revenues as well as other, section of regionals, Lombardy-Venetia and Austria-Hungary issues, nice range of Hungary.
Estimate    $300 - 400.

Realized: $525

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Lot 3792 /o   

Ballkans, Revenue Collection, approximately 1,000 stamps arranged on stockpages in large binders; includes good representation of Czechoslovakia, similar Romania issues, Yugoslavia with national and regonial issues, states including Bosnia & Herzegovina, Croatia, Montenegro and Serbia, good representative section of Greece, etc.
Estimate    $300 - 400.

Realized: $425

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Lot 3793 o   

Belgian Congo, Used Stock, 1866-1950's, collector's stock of issues fom modest to moderate duplication, nice range of various town cancels throughout, some good issues and a little back-of-the-book; Scott cat approximately $2,000, worth review.
Estimate    $300 - 400.

Realized: $160

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Lot 3794 /o   

Belgium & Netherlands, Collections, 1900-1960, 7 looseleaf style notebooks and 4 full size stockbooks, housing many 100's of mostly used stamps, including colonies; duplication throughout, mostly common, please inspect.
Estimate    $150 - 200.

Realized: $110

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Lot 3795 /o   

Bolivia, Collection, 1857-1970's, mint & used neatly hinged on pages, useful but lacking the high values, including airmails & back-of-the-book, needs closer evaluation, please inspect.
Estimate    $100 - 150.

Realized: $55

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Lot 3796 /o   

Brazil, Collection, 1850-1980's, mint & used neatly hinged on pages, useful but lacking the high values, including airmails & back-of-the-book, needs closer evaluation, please inspect.
Estimate    $200 - 300.

Realized: $160

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Lot 3797 /o   

Brazil, Souvenir Cards, 1940-1966, Scott Specialty binder with quadrille pages displaying the complete range of souvenir cards, numbered F-O-1 to O-30 in RHM catalog, also F-A-1 to A-13, etc; most with stamps affixed postmarked with fancy cancels, some with printed facsimiles; condition Very Fine and considerable catalog value, most attractive and many quite scarce.
Estimate    $400 - 600.

Realized: $350

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Lots 3778-3787 Lots 3788-3797 Lots 3798-3807 Lots 3808-3817 Lots 3818-3827 Lots 3828-3832

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