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Sale 47: The Westpex Sale

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General Postal History

Lots 3622-3631 Lots 3632-3641 Lots 3642-3651 Lots 3652-3654

Lot 3642    

Special Commemorative Covers, 1960's-1990's, dozens of books in 6 cartons, most with commemorative type cachets celebrating events in American history, usually with detailed historical notes; some with mint stamps and/or covers alongside, very colorful and instructional; please inspect carefully.
Estimate    $150 - 200.

Realized: $75

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Lot 3643    

Steamboat & Packet Covers, 1841-1870, attractive group of 19 covers, including 1870 "Saturday Grand Encore/B.L. Hodge No. 2" blue oval on 3¢ pink entire; 1861 blue "Ouachita Packet Catahoula" franked with 3¢ dull red; 1859 "Regular Packet Doubloon" on 3¢ Nesbitt entire; red oval 1851 "Steamer Fashion" also red oval "Way 11 Cents"; blue oval "Steamboat Piota" on 3¢ Nesbitt entire; red oval "Steamer Oregon 5"; others include "Packet Wade Hampton"; "Packet Rapides", etc; condition generally F-VF or better, please inspect.
Estimate    $500 - 750.

Realized: $950

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Lot 3644    

U.S. & Worldwide Consignment Balance, 1853-1960, truly the odds & ends of a consignment, including stockpages of U.S. mint & used stamps, monograph on Nesbitt postal stationery, display book of Canada scenic postcards, few Siegel auction catalogs of postal history, couple collections of Iceland and Romania, few foreign commercial covers including China usages; and more, please inspect.
Estimate    $150 - 200.

Realized: $500

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Lot 3645    

U.S. 19th Century Covers, group of 80 covers, mostly franked with 1857 3¢ dull red & 1861 3¢ rose, a possible pink; including several nice advertising including Astor House N.Y. illustrated, embossed, all-over, etc; some fancy cancels including geometrics, star, crossroads, etc; Bloods 15L14 combination with 3¢ dull red; various "Paid" and other markings; also Great Britain #1 single (4 margin but with crease) with red postmark; please inspect.
Estimate    $400 - 600.

Realized: $525

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Lot 3646    

U.S. Army Post Offices (#1-100), 1943-1947, collection of about 200 A.P.O.'s #1-100, neatly arranged and annotated on quad pages; includes better A.P.O. #57, 96 Okinawa, including one cover with hand drawn portrait of Gen. MacArthus; others of note include #5 (Baldershegi, Iceland), #100 (Azores); 98 (early occupation of Osaka); 86 (Iwo Jima); 59 (Inchon Korea; 37 (Mboutini, Fiji); and many more, please inspect.
Estimate    $300 - 400.

Realized: $170

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Lot 3647    

U.S. Covers, 1830-1858, balance of about 60 or so covers, most stampless with group of Nesbitt entires; wide range of usages & destinations, rates and markings, needs careful examination, generally F-VF or better, please inspect.
Estimate    $200 - 300.

Realized: $475

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Lot 3648    

U.S. Covers, 1875-1920, selection of over 130 covers, wide variety of destinations and usages, including 1898 Utah to Tahiti, 1887 "U.S. Postal Agency Shanghai "to New York, 1880 Cambridge to Paris and forwarded around, many fancy cancels, attractive advertising covers; also a group of 10 or so 1870's telegraph covers/envelopes; and much much more; condition generally F-VF, closer examination will be amply rewarded, retail prices over $5,500, please inspect.
Estimate    $1,000 - 1,500.

Realized: $625

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Lot 3649    

United States Airmail Flight Covers, approximately 1,400 covers; mostly the general 1940's CAM routes with some slightly better, condition well above the norm; inspect.
Estimate    $200 - 300.

Realized: $300

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Lot 3650    

United States Cover Balance, mix of items including early Valentines, fire engine ad covers with matching enclosures, registered collection, Rock Island, Ill. POW cover, few Zepp flight covers, etc.; inspect.
Estimate    $300 - 400.

Realized: $550

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Lot 3651    

United States Cover Group, 13 better items, includes banknote fancy, Grant lettersheet usages, Lex-Concord issues, Rosseler covers; inspect.
Estimate    $400 - 600.

Realized: $210

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Lots 3622-3631 Lots 3632-3641 Lots 3642-3651 Lots 3652-3654

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