Exposition Covers & Cards, 9 items; from expositions including 1893 World's Fair, Tennessee Centennial, 1901 Pan-Am and Charleston, S.C. West Indian Station postmark; inspect. Estimate $400 - 600.
Realized: $475
1915 Panama Pacific Exposition Post Cards, collection of 175+ picture post cards, virtually all different, all sleeved, great variety of original Exposition cards, including real photo, condition overall F-VF, please inspect. Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $375
Golden Replica Covers, 1918-1980, several dozen books crammed in 4 large cartons, containing 100's of covers featuring "golden replicas" of mostly United States issues, including Zeppelins, high value regulars and commemoratives; very colorful and desirable. Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $125
1929 Kans-Nebr. Issues on Cover, 19 covers; includes various 2¢ Kans used in Kansas, 10¢ Nebr pair on Beatrice, Nebr. bank registered cover, others used in other states including higher values, mixed & frankings, etc. Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $220
Miscellaneous U.S. Covers, 1860-1935, balance lot of about 70 or so covers, many with advertising, a few classics including pair of 5¢ Jefferson with Portland cds; a number of fancy star cancels on Bank Note's; some western usages including Colorado; unusual material not usually seen, closer look recommended, surprising range of usages; some picture postcards, please inspect. Estimate $250 - 350.
Realized: $425
New York Foreign Mail, 1871-1877, "lovely collection of 347 stamps and 18 covers, all with NYFM cancels and neatly mounted and identified on quadrille pages, wide variety including some with red cancels, from one to as many as 10 examples shown, values to 30¢ including 12¢, 15¢, 24¢, etc; tracings of each included with designations "c" (common), "s" (scarce) and "r" (rare); overall condition appears to range from Fine to Very Fine with choice strikes of many; close evaluation recommended. Estimate $1,500 - 2,000.
Realized: $2,500
Postal Stationery Used, 1880-1960, several 1,000's stuffed in a large carton, wide variety, a few better and some better cancels to be found with due diligence, inspection recommended, condition generally Fine or better. Estimate $500 - 750.
Realized: $500
R.P.O. & Steamer Covers, 1895-1954, over 100 items, mostly northwest and midwest cancels, needs valuation by the specialist, condition generally F-VF, please inspect. Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $210

Shaker Settlements Covers, 1834-1957, about 100 covers, real photo & postcards all related to this fascinating cult which evolved from the Quakers; collection contains much historical information as well as postal history; postmarks of many towns with Shaker origins, including many in Maine, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, New York, Ohio and Kentucky; some advertising covers for Shaker businesses such as extensive 1840's price list for herbal remedies, brooms, baskets, etc; 1850's cameos front or on reverse for "Post Office Address - Shaker Village P.O., Merrimack Co., N.H." in various colors; very unusual content seldom seen, please inspect. Estimate $500 - 750.
Realized: $950
Spanish-American War Patriotic Covers, 1898-1900, group of 35 covers all with American Flag designs, some interesting postmarks, some in mixed condition, please inspect. Estimate $100 - 148.
Realized: $270