1¢ Franklin Covers, 1851-1860, selection of mostly circular usages, including 4 with imperf (#9) and 13 perforated (#24); a few with interesting contents, one with double rate; condition unusually fresh & attractive, with neat readable cancels; inspection recommended. Scott No. 9//24 Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $1,000
20th Century Cover Group, of 70 items on circuit pages; includes 1920-40's Naval P.O. covers, Wash-Frank issues with better destinations including Belgium Congo, WWI airmail including censor items, Military postmarks from Cuba, 1928 Hawaii overprint issues, etc.; inspect. Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $160
Better Cover Balance, 1861-1941, containing a true hodge podge of material, including some nice illustrated advertising, western town cancels, most identified by county; note #64 pink on allover state of N.Y. official envelope; female institute, typewriter illustrated, Eclipse Bicycle Co., nice illustrated hotel covers; New Mexico Territory; Indian Territory; and much more, this lot deserves careful evaluation, as there are many better items here; please inspect. Estimate $500 - 750.
Realized: $900
Better U.S.A. Cover Accumulation, 1830-1930, large carton stuffed with 1,000's spanning a wide spectrum of mainly 19th Century covers, including usages, frankings, advertising, cancels, and much much more; closer look highly recommended, somewhat mixed condition, please inspect. Estimate $750 - 1,000.
Realized: $2,200
Classic Cover Group, over 35 19th century covers; mix of items including territorials with better Minnesota Terr. including #7 strip of 3 from St. Paul, Payson, U.T. use, etc., useful 3¢ Pictorial covers, some stationery and telegraphs, etc.; condition varies, inspect. Estimate $400 - 600.
Realized: $550
Classic U.S. Covers, 1828-1869, diverse selection of 131 or so items for the period, including straight line Hanover NH stampless folded letter, several #10 orange brown, Selma Ala with oval "Steamboat Francis", "Lake Champlain Steam Boat", various Railroad cancels, turned cover with 3¢ dull red imperf, various advertising covers including "Human Hair", piano and other musical, nice illustrated hotels, a few cameo type designs; several overseas destinations one with 24¢ 1857, and much much more; somewhat mixed condition on some, marked retail prices total over $9,000, much closer examination recommended. Estimate $2,000 - 3,000.
Realized: $1,700
Cover Balance, hundreds of mostly more common covers including #26 & #65's cover with good postmark interest, study of the 1864-64 2¢ Jackson entires including a few mint, etc.; worth a look. Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $1,150
Cover Balance, includes Columbia Machine Cancels about 500 various covers, Cover Hoard of over 10,000 covers and cards, R.P.O. Postmark Accumulation of about 800 covers and cards and Wasson Time on Bottom Cancels over 100 covers and some cards. Estimate $750 - 1,000.
Realized: $1,700
Cover Balance, 1857-1962, 65 or so items, eclectic range of usages, including nice group of Black Jacks, 3¢ 1869's, Bank Notes, few stampless, few event covers, some nice advertising, surprises galore, worth a close evaluation. Estimate $250 - 350.
Realized: $725
Cover Group, of 23 items; 10 stampless with five Lenox, Mass. stampless covers and one 1854 folded letter from Liverpool to New York with "Bird, Gillilan & Co." oval forwarder's marking, classic franked including 10(2), 11(3) one with green cancel, 24 s/3, 26, 65 with blue Chicago cds., and 93, airmail covers including Zepps, etc.; inspect. Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $250