Lot 1453
Special Delivery, 1917, 10¢ ultramarine. Tied by "Philadelphia, Pa., Jun 7, 1920" cds on incoming cover from Canada, franked with Canada 3¢ brown pair tied by "Montreal, P.Q. Jun 5, 1920" machine postmark; light cover edge wear and soiling, F.-V.F.Scott No. E11 Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $170
Lot 1454
Registry, 1911, 10¢ ultramarine. S.e. at left, in combination with 1¢ Wash-Frank uprating on 1¢ Jefferson postal card to Austria, tied by New York oval handstamp, violet registry boxed handstamp and matching 1915 registered cds, Very Fine, a rare registry usage on a postal card.Scott No. F1 Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $2,100
Lot 1455
U.S. Postal Agency, Siberia, May 14, 1919. Clear strike of duplex postmark on YMCA corner card cover to Oregon, with boxed censor handstamp (Van Dam type C-3); couple small edge tears, Very Fine, most likely the earliest usage of this scarce censor handstamp, earliest recorded use is May 15, 1919.Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $425
Lot 1456
A.E.F. Siberia Correspondence. 17 covers to and from A.P. Goff, Capt M.C.; includes 3 covers from Vladivostok to the Philippine Islands, each bearing the Van Dam type C-2 censor handstamp and one with the "U.S. Postal Agency, Siberia" duplex postmark, other covers (condition mixed) addressed to Siberia including one forwarded to the U.S., F.-V.F.Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $1,050
Lot 1457
U.S. Postal Agency, Siberia. Two virtually identical covers, with same June 6 1919 duplex cancels tying 3¢ Victory, and oval A.E.F. Siberia censors with "JCR Base Censor" initials, both covers addressed to A.C. Roessler, Very Fine and attractive.Scott No. 537 Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $210
Lot 1458
Newspaper, 1879, 2¢ black, three singles. Right stamp showing cracked plate through "Cents", manuscript canceled on 1880 Memorandum of Mailing indicating payment of the two cents per pound rate; accompanied by a unused PR9 (small flaws), Very Fine, a rare usage of the cracked plate variety on document.Scott No. PR57 Estimate $500 - 750.