1898, 5¢ Trans-Miss. Tied by 1898 Akron, O. machine postmark on private mailing card to Trencsen, Hungary; mounting thins on reverse, otherwise Very Fine. Scott No. 288 Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $150
1898, 5¢ Trans-Miss. S.e. at right, tied by "United States Seapost, Dec 17 '98" duplex postmark on U.S.M.S. St. Paul corner card cover to Hamburg, Germany, "U.S. Sea Post/T 4" postage due handstamp, Very Fine, a rare due marking. Scott No. 288 Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $85
1898, 5¢ Trans-Miss. Tied by "New York, N.Y., Jul 11, 1898" flag machine postmark on allover Flag Patriotic to Germany, Very Fine. Scott No. 288 Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $135
1898, 5¢ Trans-Miss. Tied by "Honolulu, H.I., Apr 3, 1899" duplex cds on cover to Akron, O., transit and receiving backstamps, Very Fine. Scott No. 288 Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $180
1898, 5¢ Trans-Miss. Canceled by 1898 Secaucus, N.J. cds and cork duplex on corner card cover to Sofia, Bulgaria; cover reduced at left, F.-V.F. Scott No. 288 Estimate $100 - 150.
1898, 5¢ Trans-Miss. Tied by New York, N.Y. oval date stamp on 5¢ Grant entire to Germany, purple straight line "Supplementary Mail" handstamp alongside; toning around stamp, F.-V.F., a scarce marking. Scott No. 288 Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $100
1898, 5¢ Trans-Miss. Tied by "Wash. D.C. Pa. Ave., R.P.O., Jan 31, 1899" cds and cork duplex on red and blue allover flag patriotic cover to England; cover fold and partial backflap, otherwise Very Fine. Scott No. 288 Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $230
1898, 8¢ Trans-Miss. In combination with 1¢ Trans-Miss. pair on double rate cover to Buenos Aires, Argentina, tied by 1898 New Bedford, Mass. flag machine postmark, Very Fine. Scott No. 289+285 Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $160
1898, 10¢ Trans-Miss., vertical pair. In combination with 3¢ purple (s.e. at right) on oversized registered cover to Hamburg, Germany, purple corked cancel with matching "Registered, Nov 2 1898, Hoboken, N.J." straight line date stamp, N.Y. registry etiquette; cover tear at top, Very Fine. Scott No. 290 Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $55
1898, 50¢ Trans-Miss., First Day Cover. Natural s.e. at left, tied by light Washington, D.C. oval handstamp on registered cover to Baden-Baden, Germany, purple "Registered, Jun 17, 1898, Washington D.C., Sub-Station No. 29, No. 768" straight line postmark, New York registry exchange etiquette, reverse with New York oval date stamp and receiving date stamp, Very Fine, A Marvelous and Unique First Day Usage of the 50¢ Trans-Mississippi Issue on Cover; with 2011 P.F. certificate. Scott No. 291; $50,000 Estimate $50,000 - 75,000.
This cover, coming from a matched set of Trans-Mississippi first day covers of at least eight different values, was sent by Washington stamp dealer J. Murray Bartels to Herrn Hermann August Kah.
Realized: $100,000