North Borneo, 1939, 1¢-$5 Pictorials complete, o.g., lightly hinged, immaculate, very fresh set, Very Fine and attractive. SG No. 303-317 £1,100 ($1,780). Scott No. 193-207 $439.
Realized: $625

North West Pacific Islands, 1919, Kangaroo and Map, 2½d indigo. 3rd watermark, tied by indistinct cds on cover to Germany, purple oval censor handstamp and censor tape at left, Very Fine. SG No. 107. Scott No. 30 Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $425

Nyasaland, 1908, ½d-£1 KEVII issues, full o.g., all well centered with rich colors, 4sh with light gum tone, still, a Very Fine set. SG No. 72-81 £843 ($1,365).
Realized: $625

Orange Free State, 1900, 5s on 5s green. Corner margin single canceled by "Bloemfontein, O.V.S." cds on G.B. 2d registration entire to Jersey, franked with G.B. 1d violet tied by "Army P.O. 46, S. Africa, Jy 5, 00" cds, receiving backstamp, Very Fine. SG No. 122. Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $60

2085 (
Palestine, 1923, 2m blue green, imperf. On buff paper, horizontal pair, without gum as issued, large margins, Very Fine, scarce; with 1983 S.I.P. certificate. Bale No. D2b. SG No. D2a £450 ($728).
Realized: $210

Palestine, 1933 Chicago Exposition Flight. Registered cover via Friedrichshafen to South America, franked with 1925-32, 2m + 3m + 10m + 13m definitives canceled by "Registered, Jerusalem, 3 Oc 33" oval date stamps (2m uncanceled), red U.S. and German flight cachets and receiving backstamps, Very Fine, a very rare flight cover originating in Palestine, rated by Sieger as one of the rarest British Colonies. Sieger No. 238E. Estimate $1,000 - 1,500.
Realized: $1,700

St. Helena, 1961 Tristan Relief complete, two low values bottom margin singles and top values top margin singles, o.g., never hinged, nicely centered throughout, strong colors, fresh, 9d+7½¢ value with small scissor cut in margin not affecting stamp, a Very Fine set, a rare complete set issued on October 12th and withdrawn from sale a week later on October 19th; each signed Bloch in margin. Scott No. B1-B4. SG No. 172/5 £6,500 ($10,521).
The small island of Tristan da Cunha in the South Atlantic hit the headlines in October 1961 when violent volcanic activity caused the evacuation of the population. The authorities on the neighboring island of St. Helena, some 1,400 miles to the north-east, started a Relief Fund, and a supply of Tristan da Cunha stamps were surcharged "ST. HELENA Tristan Relief" with an amount for the fund. Unfortunately only the Colonial Office in London could authorize new stamps, a fact clearly unknown to the Governor, and the issue was withdrawn. These are among the rarest of modern stamps as only 434 sets were sold.
Realized: $4,750

Lot 2088 o
St. Helena, 1961 Tristan Relief complete, top margin singles, neat St. Helena corner cancels, strong bright colors, Very Fine and choice, a lovely and rare 20th Century Emergency Relief Set. Scott No. B1-B4.SG No. 172-175 £2,750 ($4,451).
Realized: $2,300

Lot 2089 o
St. Helena, 1961 Tristan Relief complete, each with neat "St. Helena, Oc 12, 61" First Day of Issue town cancels, strong colors, a Very Fine set, a very scarce used set, with only 434 complete sets issued; signed Bloch, with 1975 Friedl certificate. Scott No. B1-B4.SG No. 172/5 £2,750 ($4,451).
Realized: $2,200

St. Vincent, 1893, Queen Victoria, 2½d on 1d blue. Tied by "Kingston, St. Vincent, My 17, 94" cds on cover to Springfield, Mass., U.S. 1891, 2¢ Postage Due, strip of 4 and single precanceled with "Collect Postage, 10 Cents" handstamp, single due stamp moved to show "T" handstamp; corner nick in left 2¢ in strip, F.-V.F. Scott No. 56. SG No. 55a Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $200