Lot 1084
(First Adhesive Revenue Stamp) Revenue, 1862-71 First Issue, 1¢ Express, part perf. Vertical pair imperf horizontally on reverse of a CDV size photo by S.H. Myers of Weston Vt., each stamp with ms. "Myers", Very Fine; with 1995 P.F. certificate.Scott No. R1b $180+.
Realized: $180

Lot 1085 o
(First Adhesive Revenue Stamp) Revenue, 1862-71 First Issue, 1¢ Express, part perf. Well centered and neatly canceled with ms. "I.F. August 15, 1863", strip of 5 imperf horizontally, Very Fine; with 1995 P.F. certificate.Scott No. R1b $400 as two pairs & a single.
Realized: $170

1086 o
Revenue, 1862-71 First Issue, 2¢ Certificate, blue, imperf. Block of 15, bright and fresh with large margins all around, each stamp neatly signed "J.D., Apr 25, 1863", very faint pressed horizontal crease across middle row, choice Extremely Fine appearance, a very rare multiple not recorded in the Curtis census, which shows only one block larger with the next largest being a block of 10. Scott No. R7a Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $475

Lot 1087 o
(First Bi-Color Stamp) Revenue, 1864, $200 U.S. Internal Revenue, imperf. Clear to mostly large margins with strong color and a clear 30 July 1864 manuscript cancel, very faint vertical crease; fresh, F.-V.F. appearance.Scott No. R102a $2,500.
Realized: $1,000

Lot 1088 o
(First Bi-Color Stamp) Revenue, 1864, $200 U.S. Internal Revenue, perf'd. Fresh and sound with clear purple manuscript cancel, 1 Feb 1866, Fine.Scott No. R102c; $900 Estimate $400 - 600.
Realized: $300

Lot 1089
(First Proprietary Issue) Proprietary, 1871, 1¢ green & black, violet paper. Two patent medicine wrappers, each with a stamp affixed, first is a spectacular multicolor envelope for Dr. M.L. Byrn's Olio de Flora - "Perfume for the Million" with the stamp affixed to the flap with manuscript. "B, 1874" cancel; second is a wrapper which contained a "Sample Bottle of Green's August Flower" from L.M. Green of Woodbury N.J.; the former is Extremely Fine, the latter with edge faults, Fine.Scott No. RB1a Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $450

(First Beer Stamp Issue) Beer, 1866, 16-2/3¢ dark green. Large, even margins, fresh and Very Fine. Scott No. REA2 $200.
Realized: $100

(First Playing Cards Stamp) Playing Cards, 1894, 2¢ lake. Bottom margin imprint and plate no. block of 8, o.g., Very Fine. Scott No. RF1 Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $115

Lot 1092
(First Silver Tax Issues) Silver Tax, 1934, 1¢-$1,000 Issues complete. Neatly arranged on document and tied by violet "Office of the Collectors of Internal Revenue, 2nd District, N.Y., Sep 11, 1936" oval handstamp, with Silver tax stamps (Sheet No.34 - affidavit of 9/3/36) covering sale of 1,500,890.70 ounces of silver by Bank of Manhattan Co., New York, to Eastman Kodak Co., Rochester, N.Y. typewritten endorsement at top, Very Fine, a wonderful exhibition item.Scott No. RG1-RG23 Estimate $750 - 1,000.
Realized: $900

Lot 1093
(First Consular Fee Stamp) Consular Service Fee, 1906, 25¢ dark green, perf 12. three pairs and six singles, in combination with Consular Service Fee, 1906, 50¢ carmine, perf 11 + 1925, $1 violet, pair + $2.50 blue on 1941 American Consulate in Cork, Ireland letter certifying passport fee issuance, manuscript canceled and tied by "American Consulate" straight line handstamps, Very Fine, a very rare Consular Fee issue usage; with 1997 P.F. certificate.Scott No. RK1+RK15+RK34+RK36 $1,528 for off cover.
Realized: $850