Liberia, H.M.S. Groula At Sea - Off Coast of Liberia, August 29th (1853). Dateline on 8-page enclosure with cover addressed to Alcester, England, with "H.M.S. Terrible" mail steamer endorsement and franked with G.B. 1d red paying the soldiers and seamen rate to England, tied by light Maltese cross postmark, reverse with red entry and receiving postmarks, letter with fascinating contents; Very Fine. Estimate $500 - 750.
Realized: $2,000

Liberia, Ship Saluda, Bound for Monrovia, Oct 2d (18)39. Dateline on 3-page letter from Dr. Wesley Johnson to his mother in Hillsdale, N.Y., entering the mails with red "Norfolk, Va., Jan 16" cds, matching "Ship" handstamp and manuscript "27" due rate, letter regarding his trip…I will tell you all that shall now occur to me since Mr Buchanan came out in this vessel last spring and I am now on a voyage to the Cape & Sierra Leone for my health…and when I return to Bassa I shall take charge of a high school about to be established there and carried on by the Ladies' of Philadelphia, etc.; cover toning, Fine. Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $250

Liberia, Sinoe, West Coast of Africa, April 8. Dateline on ca. 1847 folded letter to Yarmouth, Maine, entering the mails with blue "Baltimore, Md., Jun 4" cds's, red Ship and "12" rate handstamps, endorsed "Per Liberian Packet" at bottom left, letter written by sailor who has just arrived after crossing the Atlantic, with details of the area around Sinoe, mentions Grand Bassa, etc., Very Fine, a rare usage from Sinoe. Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $375

Liberia, U.S. Ship Portsmouth, Monrovia. Dated ship endorsement on two covers to Richfield Springs, N.Y. from correspondence; first cover dated "Decr. 7th 1848" with "per "Liberia Packet"" endorsement, blue "Ship" handstamp and manuscript "22" rate, second cover datelined "Off Monrovia, Feby 2d 1849", entered the mails with red "Salem, Mass., Apr 23" cds and straight line "Ship" handstamp, manuscript "7" rate; small tone spot on the later, Very Fine, a wonderful pair of cover from the sloop of war Portsmouth during it's patrol to suppress the slave trade of the west coast of Africa. Estimate $750 - 1,000.
The Portsmouth, after returning in 1848 from California and Mexico, she parted Boston on Aug 29 and sailed east for Africa. There until 1 February 1849 she patrolled with the Royal Navy ships to suppress the slave trade. Between September 1849 and May 1851 she again cruised off the West African coast, returning home to Boston on June 26th.
Realized: $3,750

Liberia, 1860's United States to Monrovia, Liberia, West Africa. Cover addressed to the Muhlenburg Mission franked with U.S. 1861, 10¢ yellow green (three) + 3¢ rose tied by Duncannon, Pa. cds's, red "28" credit and "1d" rate handstamp, with red New York transit cancel and indistinct backstamp, bottom right 10¢ replaced, F.-V.F. appearance. Scott No. U.S. 65+68 Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $325

Liberia, 1860's United States to Monrovia, Liberia. Cover endorsed "via England", franked with U.S. 1861, 3¢ rose, block of 6 and two pairs tied by waffle grid cancels, matching "Greenpark, Pa., Nov 3" cds on block, magenta "28" manuscript credit and "1d" rate handstamp, reverse with red "N. York Br. Pkt., Paid, Jan 4" cds; cover edge wear at top and small stamp flaws, F.-V.F. appearance. Scott No. U.S. 65 Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $475

Liberia, 1898 United States to Cape Palmas. U.S. 2¢ green entire uprated with cork canceled 1¢ green + 2¢ red with matching "Sandlake, Oreg., Aug 2, 1898" origin cds, reverse with New York and Harper transit cds's, F.-V.F. Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $200