Samoa, 1898-99 "Surcharged 2½d" Issues. Well over 200 stamps on mostly on album pages; with the four issues each showing the surcharge types */o, 1d green issue with damaged surcharge types, horizontal and vertical split surcharges in blocks, 1sh carmine issue including black handstamp surcharge block and other multiples showing stereo types, similar red surcharge & 2sh6d value blocks; few flaws, generally F.-V.F. SG No. 83-87 Estimate $500 - 750.
Realized: $300

Samoa, 1898, 2½d on 1sh Rose Carmine, Black Handstamp Surcharge. In combination with 1895, 1d green, perf 11, pair and single on registered cover to San Francisco, Cal., tied by "Apia, Samoa, Sep 1, 98" cds with matching straight line "Registered" handstamp alongside, in conjunction with U.S. 1895, 2¢ carmine, pair and two singles tied by San Francisco oval handstamp, purple "Registered, San Francisco, Cal, Nov 17, 1898" oval date stamp, reverse with printed H.M.S. "Porpoise" on backflap and manuscript "PM, Apia, Samoa" postmaster notation; third 2¢ stamp replaced, Very Fine appearance (Odenweller 219). Scott No. U.S. 267. SG No. 83+58 Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $675

Samoa, 1895, 2½d on 1sh Rose Carmine, Black Handstamp Surcharge. Tied by "Apia, Samoa, Nov, 1" cds on United States Consulate corner card cover to U.S. Despatch Agent in San Francisco, Cal., typewritten addressed, "San Francisco, Cal., Paid All, Nov 16, 1898" entry backstamp, Very Fine and choice. SG No. 83 Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $180

Lot 2376 o
Samoa, 1899, 2½d on 1d Bluish Green, Red Surcharge Inverted. Town cancel, rich bright color, F.-V.F.SG No. 84a £375 ($589).
Realized: $425

Samoa, 1899, 2½d on 1d Bluish Green, Red Surcharge, Two Blocks of 6. Each showing five different surcharge types (A, D-G), in combination with 1899, 2½d on 1sh dull rose, black surcharge, strip of 3 + 1899, 5d dull vermilion, strip of 6 on oversized cover to San Francisco, Cal., entry backstamp, Very Fine. SG No. 84+86+94 Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $160

Samoa, 1899, 2½d on 1d Bluish Green, Red Surcharge. Tied by portion of "Apia, Samoa, Apr 11, 99" cds on cover with blue "U.S.F.S. Philadelphia, Care Navy Pay Office, S.F., Cal." corner card with bronze eagle background, to Kansas City, Mo., San Francisco transit backstamp, Very Fine (Odenweller 230). SG No. 84 Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $135

Samoa, 1899, 2½d on 1d Bluish Green, Red Surcharge, Horizontal Strip of Three. Tied by full "Apia, Samoa, Dec 29, 99" cds with two partial strikes of "Apia, Samoa, Nov 28" cds's canceling strip, on cover to San Francisco with matching straight line "Registered" handstamp, receiving backstamp, Very Fine, an unusual philatelic "precancel" usage. SG No. 84 Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $85

Samoa, 1899, 2½d on 1d Bluish Green, Red Surcharge, Horizontal Pair. left stamp with broken "d." surcharge value variety, tied with single strike of "Apia, Samoa, Dec 29, 99" cds on registered cover to San Francisco, straight line "Registered" handstamp and "San Francisco, Cal, Feb 9, 1900, Paid All " backstamp, couple perf tone spots affecting right stamp, otherwise Extremely Fine. SG No. 84 Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $210

Samoa, 1899, 2½d on 1d Bluish Green, Red Surcharge. Tied by "Apia, Samoa, Feb 23, 1900" on cover to the U.S. Navy Pay Office in San Francisco, with "From F.T. Chambers, U.S. Navy, Pago Pago, Samoa." soldiers endorsement at left, reverse with receiving backstamp; some light cover toning, F.-V.F., a rare Pago Pago origin designation cover. SG No. 84 Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $270

Samoa, 1899, 2½d on 1sh Rose Carmine, Black Surcharge. In combination with 1896, 1½d on 2d orange + 1895, 1d green + 4d blue on cover to Woollahra, N.S.W. tied by "Apia, Samoa, Oct, 4, 98" cds's, reverse with Auckland and Sydney transit postmarks; small perf and cover tone spots, otherwise Very Fine (Odenweller 797). Scott No. 26+24+11e+16e. SG No. 86+78+58+61 Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $220