Confederacy, Office Adjutant and Inspector General/District Western Louisiana. Official business semi-official imprint on U.S. 1860, 3¢ Star Die entire (repaired corner nick at bottom right) to Natchitoches La., clear red "Alexandria La., Sep 10" cds and matching "Paid" straight line & "10" rate handstamps, Sept 15/63 pencil docketing, accompanied by a second entire with similar imprint endorsed "By Courier" to same addressee (cover edge repair at top), Very Fine, ex Emerson. Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $425

Confederacy, Adjutant General's Office/Raleigh, N.C. Semi-official imprint on blue cover to Statesville, N.C., bearing 1863, 10¢ blue (large margins except just touched at bottom, light hint of toning), tied by light Raleigh, N.C. double circle postmark and second strike at right; Very Fine and scarce. Scott No. 12 Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $200

Confederacy, C.S. Arsenal/Richmond, Va./Official Business. Boxed imprint (Dietz IX) on immaculate cover to Wattons Mill, Va., hand carried, Extremely Fine and choice, a rare cover. Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $350

Confederacy, Auditors Office P.O.D./Official Business/Free/Auditor. Imprint with "J.M. Robertson" acting auditor signature (Dietz type VI), on legal size cover to Postmaster at Gravel Hill, Va., "Richmond, Va., Dec 6, 1862" cds, fresh and Very Fine, a scarce imprint, fresh and Very Fine, a scarce imprint. Estimate $250 - 350.
Realized: $170

Confederacy, Captured Official Covers, "Headquarters Middle Military Division.". Fascinating lot of four covers all with Union imprint of "Headquarters Middle Military Division." (three different styles), first is a Union usage franked with United States 1861 3¢ rose tied by town cancel with Washington, D.C. cds alongside and addressed to "Ret. Brig. Genl. James A. Beaver" in Bellefonte, Pa., the "Official Business" portion of the imprint has been crossed out, second is legal size captured cover without postal markings and addressed to "Lieut. General Early, Commanding Army of Northern Virginia", the next two covers are franked with Confederate States 1863-64 10¢ blue tied by New Market, Va. cds., one with imprint crossed out, mixed condition, legal size cover with edge wear one 10¢ adhesive with corner torn away, Fine, worth inspection, a wonderful group of covers captured at the Battle of New Market. Estimate $500 - 750.
The Middle Military Division was an organization of the Union Army during the American Civil War, responsible for operations around the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia and the Valley Campaigns of 1864. In the summer of 1864, Confederate General Jubal Early's army had defeated several Union armies, had advanced close to Washington, D.C., and continued to operate in the Shenandoah Valley into August. Faced with this continued threat, the Union high command created the Middle Military Division and ordered the cavalry commander of the Army of the Potomac, Major General Phillip Sheridan, to command it. The military division (an entity that controlled multiple military departments) was established on August 7, 1864. It comprised the geographic and military assets of the Departments of the Susquehanna, Washington, West Virginia, and the Middle Department. On December 1, 1864, the Department of the Susquehanna within the military division changed its name to the Department of Pennsylvania.
The Battle of New Market was a battle fought on May 15, 1864, in Virginia during Valley Campaigns of 1864 in the American Civil War. Cadets from the Virginia Military Institute (VMI) fought alongside the Confederate Army and forced Union General Franz Sigel and his army out of the Shenandoah Valley.
James Addams Beaver (October 21, 1837 ? January 31, 1914), Nov. 10, 1864, Hon. E. M. Stanton, Secretary of War, notified Col. Beaver that for highly meritorious and distinguished conduct, and particularly for valuable service at Cold Harbor, the President had appointed him a brigadier-general of volunteers by brevet, to rank from the 1st day of August, 1864.
Jubal Anderson Early (November 3, 1816 ? March 2, 1894) was a lawyer and Confederate general in the American Civil War. He served under Stonewall Jackson and then Robert E. Lee for almost the entire war, rising from regimental command to lieutenant general and the command of an infantry corps in the Army of Northern Virginia. He was the Confederate commander in key battles of the Valley Campaigns of 1864, including a daring raid to the outskirts of Washington, D.C.
Realized: $350

Confederacy, Head Quarters Cavalry Corps, Army of Northern Virginia. Imprint on cover to Macon, Ga. bearing 1863, 10¢ blue, large margins including bottom sheet margin showing "Engravers" imprint, cancelled by grid, this is the Official Stationery that J.E.B. Stuart used; some gum toning and small surface abrasion, Very Fine, ex-Walcott. Scott No. 11 Estimate $400 - 600.
Realized: $750

Confederacy, Headquarters/Conscript Department/Columbia S.C./Official Business. Semi-official imprint (Deitz type IV) on buff cover to Greenville S.C. bearing 1863, 10¢ greenish blue (large to huge margins), tied by blue "Columbia S.C./Oct. 31" cds, forwarded to Williamston with "Greenville C.H., S.C./Nov. 2" cds and manuscript "forwd 10" due, Very Fine and choice, a very scarce forwarded usage, ex-Roseberg, Powell, Finney. Scott No. 12c. Scott No. 12c Estimate $750 - 1,000.
Realized: $475

Confederacy, (Conscript Office) "Official". Manuscript imprint on legal size franked with 1863-64 10¢ milky blue (large margins) tied by "Danville, Va./May 12, 1863" cds (year date inverted) and addressed to Leatherwood, Va. included is original enclosure datelined "Conscript Office/Richmond May 2/'63" and "Circular" which reads, To Enrolling Officers, The attention of Enrolling officers is called to the fact that all persons to whom exemption or details have been granted are considered as enrolled conscripts & as such have no right to volunteer, but must be reported to a camp of Instruction for assignment should the detail or exemption be revoked., Very Fine. Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $240

Confederacy, Confederate States of America,/Executive Department,/Official Business. Imprint on cover franked 1863-64 10¢ milky blue (large margins) tied by bold blue "Richmond, Va./May 28, 1863" cds, addressed in the hand of President Jefferson Davis to Griffin, Ga. cover slightly reduced at left, F.-V.F. Scott No. 11 Estimate $500 - 750.
Realized: $750

Confederacy, Confederate States of America/War Department/Nitre and Mining Bureau. Semi-official imprint with "Official Business" crossed out on buff cover bearing 1863, 10¢ blue (four margins, light corner crease), tied by "Richmond Va. Feb 18" cds, addressed to Fredericksburg Va., Very Fine and scarce. Scott No. 11. Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $250