France, 1862, 1fr lake, Re-Issue, Tête-Bêche. Horizontal pair, full o.g., large even margins, bold color, small sealed tear at lower right (not mentioned on 2007 Behr certificate), Very Fine and choice, a lovely example of this very rare tête-bêche pair. Scott No. 21d $30,000. Maury No. 18e €37,500 ($51,375).
Realized: $19,000

1148 (
France, 1849, 1fr vermilion on yellowish. Without gum, ample margins to into frameline at top left, bold color, Fine, a very rare mint stamp; signed, with 2010 Calves certificate. Scott No. 8. Maury No. 7 €72,500 ($99,325).
Realized: $13,000

Uruguay, 1857, 60c indigo, Wide "Dilgencia". Ample to large margins, tiny cut in upper right margin, uncanceled and affixed to fresh 1858 folded letter from Montevideo to Rocha, Very Fine and choice, an exceptional on cover example of this classic rarity of Uruguay; with 1981 F.D. Paulos certificate. Scott No. 3Bd Estimate $10,000 - 15,000.
Realized: $19,000

Lot 1810 o
Switzerland, Zürich, 1843, 4rp black, vertical underprint. Neat red rosette cancel, large well balanced margins all around, strong color and underprint, Extremely Fine and choice, a gorgeous and sound example of this rare Classic Swiss Rarity; with 2010 von der Weid certificate. Scott No. 1L1.Zumstein No. 1S SFr 20,000 ($22,660).
Realized: $7,250

Lot 1601 o
Mexico, 1856, 1r yellow, Mexico. Guadalupe Hidalgo cancel (Sz. 465), margin to just in at right, Fine, a great rarity of the 1856 1r yellow used from Guadalupe Hidalgo; with 2000 MEPSI certificate.Scott No. 2 Estimate $7,500 - 10,000.
Realized: $6,250

France, 1849, 20c black on yellowish. Clear to full margins, tied by diamond lozenge cancels in combination with 1852, 10c pale bister on yellowish, on 1853 cover to Munster, "? origin date stamp; 10¢ with repaired upper left margin and minor cover toning, Very Fine appearance. Scott No. 3+10. Maury No. 3+9 Estimate $4,000 - 6,000.
Realized: $3,750

Mexico, Airmail, 1934, 20c-20p National University Airmail issue complete. On three similar addressed 10c blue airmail entires; 20c-1p on one, 5p-10p another & 20p on last, all neatly tied by First Day of Issue "Agencia, Mexico D.F., 1 Set 34" cds's, addressed to Mazatlan; 20p cover with some negligible tiny tone specks mentioned for accuracy, Very Fine, a beautiful and very rare complete set on first day of issue covers. Scott No. C54-C61 Estimate $2,000 - 3,000.
Realized: $1,100

Sicily, 1859 Ferdinand II 1g olive green, plate III + 2g blue + 5g deep rose. 1g right margin single, all tied on registered folded letter sheet to Palermo by frame cancels, "Siracusa, 17-8, 59" origin date stamp and matching "Assicurata" in oval handstamp, Palermo receiving cds; some cover scuffing at bottom slightly affecting address panel, otherwise Very Fine, a lovely three color franking; signed Calves. Scott No. 12h+13g+14. Sassone No. 5+8+9 Estimate $4,000 - 6,000.
Realized: $3,750

Lot 1879
1871-72, Second Issue $5 & Third Issue 30¢ & $1 "Henn" Inverted Centers. $5 and 30¢ values with manuscript cancels, 30¢ with additional manuscript re-tracing over the essay vignette, $1 appears unused, each showing slight scuffing (when held to the light) of central oval from some of the removal of original vignettes; $5 with small internal hole well away from vignette area, F.-V.F., a remarkable assembly of these extremely rare inverted center revenue issues.Scott No. R127, R140, R144 Estimate $4,000 - 6,000.
These uniquely devised forgeries where described by Elliot Perry in his publication Pat Paragraphs as coming from the so-called Henn Collection and where at one time though to be genuine. It is suggested that in about 1903, when the old Toppan, Carpenter & Co. bed pieces containing essay designs for the U.S. postage stamps of 1861 (as altered from the stamp designs of 1851-60) were sold, that at least four "essay heads" of Washington went into private hands and were used to create illegitimate inverted medallions on U.S. revenue documentary and general issue proprietary series of 1871-74…The portraits on those revenue stamps were purposely printed in a fugitive black ink which can be bleached, On the blank medallion space so obtained one of the old essay heads was printed upside down, thus creating for stamp collectors quite fraudulent "varieties" of which no part is actually counterfeit.
Realized: $2,600