Mexico, 1872, 6c black on buff "Anotado". Imperf, Ures district name, cons. 31-70, left margin single, o.g., large margins, bright and fresh, Extremely Fine. Scott No. 71.
Realized: $375

Mexico, 1872, 12c black on green & 25c blue on pink "Anotado". 8 stamps; four 12c issues (1 Mexico, 22 Durango, 23 Oaxaca & 28 Chiapas) and four 25c issues (11 Colima, 12 Queretaro, 13 Zacatecas & 39 Tampico), 12c all overprinted '71 except Mexico (72) and all 25c overprinted '70, o.g. or without gum, all with ample to large margins, couple with thins, otherwise Very Fine. Scott No. 72-73 Estimate $250 - 350.
Realized: $290

Mexico, 1872, 25c blue on pink "Anotado". 5 perf'd stamps; districts include 6 Guanajuato, 10 Morelia, 12 Queretaro, 24 Cuernavaca and 28 Chiapas, all '71 year except Queretaro ('70), full o.g., a Very Fine group. Scott No. 78 Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $130

Mexico, 1872, 25c blue on pink "Anotado". Perf'd, Mexico district name, cons. 1-72, tied by Mexico cds on 1872 folded letter sheet to Oetling Droege & Co. from from Esteban Benecke & Co., Very Fine. Scott No. 78 Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $190

Mexico, 1874, 10c black, Veracruz. Cons 50-75, tied by blue oval "Franco En Veracruz, 31 Jul 75" date stamp on folded letter to Genova, Italy, matching "10" rate handstamp, with Italy 1l +30c postage dues tied by Genova cds, reverse with New York transit and receiving cds's, Very Fine. Scott No. 107 Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $525

Mexico, 1874-80, 100c carmine, Chiapas. Cons 7-74, tied by bold Tuxtla certified boxed date stamp (Schimmer 38/4) on 1875 folded letter sheet to San Juan Bautista, Tuxtla oval handstamps at corners, Chipas oval and blue San Cristobal circular date stamps, Very Fine. Scott No. 111 Estimate $400 - 600.
Realized: $475

Mexico, 1879, 5c orange, Mexico. Canceled by blue grid cancel on cover to New York City, "Union Postal, Mexico, Nov 19, 1881" cds and New Orleans, La. transit on reverse, Very Fine. Scott No. 125 Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $250

Mexico, 1882, 10c blue, Mexico. Cons 5482, tied by neat blue grid handstamp on folded letter sheet to Neuchatel, Switzerland, matching "Mexico, 18 Abr, 82" oval date stamp, "vapor americano" endorsement and appropriate transit backstamps, Very Fine and attractive. Scott No. 134 Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $325

Mexico, 1882, 12c brown, Mexico. Cons 5482, tied by blue grid handstamp on cover to Havana, Cuba, matching "Mexico 16 Jul, 82" oval date stamp and receiving backstamp, Very Fine. Scott No. 136 Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $400

Mexico, 1887, 2c brown carmine, Ruled Lines, Perf 6. Block of 6, o.g., lightly hinged, bright and fresh, few perf separations, F.-V.F. Scott No. 202 $360 for singles.
Realized: $170