Mexico, 1861, 4r dull rose on yellow. Full o.g., ample to mostly huge margins, bright and fresh, Extremely Fine, a choice mint stamp, only 2,230 issued (NF $180). Scott No. 10 Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $145

Lot 1628 o
Mexico, 1861, 4r dull rose on yellow, Victoria. Fancy "Franco" cancel (Schatzkes 1818), clear to large margins, bright color, Very Fine, 3-4 believed to exist, ex Jones; with 1984 MEPSI certificate.Scott No. 10 Estimate $750 - 1,000.
Realized: $850

Lot 1629 o
Mexico, 1861, 8r black on red brown, Chalco. Circular grid cancels, ample to large margins showing frameline at top, Extremely Fine and attractive, perhaps the finest of the 4 to 5 known to exist, only 199 sent (NF $1,500); with 2008 MEPSI certificate.Scott No. 11 Estimate $750 - 1,000.
Realized: $750

Mexico, 1861, 8r black on red brown, Morelia. Full o.g., large margins all around, sharp ealy impression, Extremely Fine and choice, a gem mint single; with 2006 MEPSI certificate. Scott No. 11 Estimate $250 - 350.
Realized: $260

Mexico, 1861, 8r green on red brown. District overprints in blue, both tied on piece by blue Comitan circular handstamps (Schatzkes 120), 8r with huge margins, Extremely Fine, a rare and choice combination; with 2010 MEPSI certificate. Scott No. 12+7 Estimate $500 - 750.
Realized: $450

Lot 1632 o
Mexico, 1864-66, 3c brown, Mexico. Cons 192-1865, neat Mexico town cancel, margins large to into frameline at top left, strong bright color, Very Fine, an attractive example of this rare used stamp; with 1997 MEPSI certificate.Scott No. 18 $2,500.
Realized: $1,450

1633 (
Mexico, 1864-66, ½r lilac, type V. Cons 1-1866, without gum, margins large to just touching at bottom right, couple small thins, otherwise Very Fine, this being the only known mint example of the 5th Period 1864-66, ½r Lilac, unlisted in Scott and Follansbee in mint condition; with 2010 MEPSI certificate. Scott No. 20c Estimate $3,000 - 4,000.
Realized: $2,900

Lot 1634 o
Mexico, 1867, 1r black on green. Oval Amecameca cancel (Schatzkes 841), Very Fine.Scott No. 36 Estimate $75 - 100.
Realized: $80

1635 (
Mexico, 1867, 1r blue, gothic Mexico. Without gum, margins ample to touching, bright and fresh, Very Fine. Scott No. 43 $400.
Realized: $190

Mexico, 1867, 1r blue, gothic Mexico. Full margins, tied by light Mexico cds on folded letter sheet to Jalapa; sealed cover tear at top, otherwise Very Fine. Scott No. 43 Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $190