St. Helena, Collection, 1861-1949. Attractive mint with some early used neatly displayed on Scott Specialty pages, including various Victoria heads and surcharges, KEVII to 10sh; KGV to 5sh, Centenary to 5sh, KGVI complete; mostly very fresh and F-VF, please inspect. Estimate $500 - 750.
Realized: $750
St. Helena, Collection, 1863-1999. Lovely display in hand-drawn album, with QV surcharges, lower values of KEVII & KGV, then complete KGVI & QEII for the period, lacking only 1948 Silver Wedding, all neatly mounted; please inspect. Estimate $350 - 500.
Realized: $180
St. Lucia, St. Kitts, Nevis, Montserrat, Collections, 1860-1952. Attractively displayed on Scott Specialty pages, with strength in Queen Victoria issues, KEVII to 5sh, KGV to 5sh and KGVI nearly complete for period, some QV used, otherwise mostly mint, overall attractive and F-VF, please inspect. Estimate $750 - 1,000.
Realized: $950
St. Vincent, Trinidad, Tobago, Virgin Islands, Collections, 1851-1952. Attractive group on Scott Specialty pages, strength in Victoria issues to 5sh, mint & used; KEVII to 5sh, KGV to £1 and KGVI virtually complete for period; considerable catalog value, please inspect. Estimate $750 - 1,000.
Realized: $950
Lot 2498 o
Saudi Arabia, / Ottoman Era, 1892-1914. Group of better used items on auction cards with detailed descriptions, with Mecca postmarks (RRR item), Mekke, Medima, Taif, Ja, Djeddah, etc; specialist needs to value these; also include couple later 20th Century mint items.Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $350
Scandinavia, Collection, 1851-1940. Mint and used, in Schaubek Specialty album, usually both present for most issues, with many key 19th Century values, the mint mostly excellent color, a few slightly stuck but easily "popped" up; the Denmark with a number of very interesting proofs & reprints (should be valued by the expert); nice Danish West Indies; excellent Iceland amid many highlights are Parliament set used on pieces; decent Finland with attractive array of Roulettes (most with teeth intact); excellent Sweden with nice used 1924 UPU both sets; decent Norway also present; this collection is full of key values and has very high catalog value, close evaluation recommended. Estimate $3,500 - 5,000.
Realized: $4,500
Scandinavia, Covers, 1851-1945. Interesting collection of about 200 covers, the majority Denmark, including 4rs browns, 4s shades, 1864-68 royal emblems, many Numerals & Arms issues, various Kings issues, later surcharges; also a number of stationery items including postal cards and envelopes, most used; some later commemoratives and including some philatelic items; also including some Germany covers with inflation values on commercial usages; few other Scandinavia including Amundson Expedition; a nice "Dairen I.N.P.O." on Japan definitives; somewhat mixed condition but should be inspected for full value. Estimate $500 - 750.
Realized: $950
Scandinavia, Various & Sundry, 1855-1965. Group of generally better items in stockbook, including Sweden, Norway, Iceland, Finland, etc; classic to modern, please inspect. Estimate $400 - 600.
Realized: $550
Scandinavia, Sundry, 1912-78. Singles & a few sets, all countries represented including Finland, Norway with some high values, Sweden, Greenland with some nice Pakke-Portos; and more, please inspect. Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $210
Southern Africa, Collection, 1861-1952. Reasonable representation displayed in Scott Specialty album, South Africa somewhat sparse earlier, but including mint pairs to 10sh, with semipostals & airmails & some officials, including O39-40; S.W.A. a bit better including 1931 pictorials complete to 20sh, semipostals & airmails complete; officials about complete; Zululand with some better middle values, scattering of Natal, Transvaal, etc; generally F-VF, please inspect, o.g., lightly hinged. Estimate $1,000 - 1,500.
Realized: $1,050