Germany, Sundry, 1880-1944. Various singles, including used Zepps signed Buhler, few semipostals, inflation, Carolines 5m used; Austrian Danube Steam Navigation issues; few covers 3rd Reich period; please inspect. Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $220
Lot 2302 o
Germany, Specialized Collection of 1889-1900 3pf. Extensive study of this value in two albums, in all its shades, printing varieties, cancels, papers, etc; literally 1000's of stamps, all neatly displayed and identified on quadrille pages, with every frameline variety identified, often with diagrams; dates identified when appropriate; and much, much more; the specialist should love this incredible exercise; condition appears to be excellent throughout. Michel No. 45.Scott No. 46 Estimate $750 - 1,000.
Realized: $525
German Area, Collection, 1900-1980. All mint (a few used before 1923) in 4 Lindner hingeless albums, quite complete from 1923 on, including good souvenir sheets like IPOSTA mint & used on cover (Berlin 18 Sep 1930 special Exhibition cancel); 1933 Nothilfe SS mint; OSTROPA usual gum staining; all Zeppelin issues complete mint; other SS's complete; semipostals also complete; 1948 Post Horn overprint sets; interesting Buildings issues with many varieties and both perfs complete, as well as many covers and some used with varieties; French Occupation 4N - 8N seems complete including SS's; post-War Federal Republic quite complete, lacking Post Horn set; condition overall F-VF or better, high catalog value, worth closer examination. Estimate $2,500 - 3,500.
Realized: $2,400
Germany, Vintage German Banknote Postcard Collection, 1900-1916. Fascinating array of nearly 700 postcards neatly displayed in binders, all featuring German banknotes in the design, sometimes also with coins, typically incorporating images associated with New Year's, such as cherubs, pigs, horseshoes and cloverleafs; many genuinely charming, some with comic or cartoon themes; condition generally excellent, studied examination recommended. Estimate $1,000 - 1,500.
Realized: $1,350
German Area, Selection, 1900-1986. Many 100's neatly displayed in stockbooks & glassines, all periods including Reichspost, Deutches Reich, 3rd Reich, Federal, GDR & Russian Zone (note used Liszt sheet), France Occupation, etc; a closer review might be rewarding. Estimate $350 - 500.
Realized: $230
Germany, Postal History Collection, 1902-1917. 60 or so covers and postcards from 1902 to WWI, all neatly presented on pages with write-up; including many Feldpost usages, with 1909 cover bearing scarce "soldatenbrief - eigene angelegenheit des empfangers" label; Western Front feldpost 1915 and 1916, covers from the Alsace region 1915, color postcard with illustration of von Hindenburg and quotation for the troops, etc; stamped items include Germania with Swiss postage due, 10pf on censored card to Finland 1915, packet card with 2mark to Turkey, etc; interesting collection of rates, soldier's mail and a little propaganda. Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $260
German Area, Collection, 1905-2004. Neatly displayed in hingeless mounts on Scott pages in 2 volumes, best begins in the 1930's commemoratives, semi-postals and definitive sets, mostly hinged, also airmails including Zepps complete; lacking the best souvenir sheets for this period; post-War about complete, with much never hinged, with good commemoratives, definitives & semi-postals, onward for the period near complete; also includes postwar Occupations, including Saar (no Berlin); condition generally F-VF or better, detailed inspection recommended for proper evaluation. Estimate $2,000 - 3,000.
Realized: $1,600
German Area, Covers, 1909-1953. 42 covers & stationery items, much from Berlin, but also couple postal cards postmarked "Tsingtau"; couple commercial covers "Constantinople" to Germany; postals pmked "Constantinople & Jerusalem"; Marine Schiffspost; nice commercial airmail to Dar-es-Salaam: Berlin Airlift covers; various Berlin aerogrammes mint & "Taxe Perçue" indicias; several DDR airletters mint; interesting lot, please inspect. Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $220
Germany, German Postal History WWI. Mostly early postcards of WW1 vintage, unusual holding of 175 items in a binder including extensive period feldpost; also mail from the front lines, pretty women, etc., please inspect. Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $180
Germany, Zusammendrucken, 1916-1938. Used pairs & strips, vertical & horizontal, some tete-beche, gutter pairs, slogan pairs, highly specialized comprehensive all one of a kind from the first Germania issues onwards through the airmails and semi-postals, loaded with better items cataloging €500 to €800; owner's Michel catalog value over €18,000 (=$23,000), along with some not listed in Michel; also included are eleven mint full sheets of Hitler & Hindenburg types; not often seen on the market, particularly in a one-of-a-kind collection of this quality, please review carefully. Estimate $2,000 - 3,000.
Realized: $2,100