Lot 2105
American Philatelist, vol I-VI (1887-92) bound including the 1886 official circular no. 1-4, also later loose with strong runs of issues from 1913-21 and various yearbooks, proceedings, etc.Estimate $75 - 100.
Realized: $325
Lot 2106
Early United States Journals, group of 10 quarter leather bound complete runs (library ed.); includes 1874-79 Trifet's Monthly Stamp Circular vol. I-VI, 1888-91 Philatelic Beacon vol. I-III, 1892-95 The Stamp (New York) vol. I-IV, 1892-96 Washington Philatelist vol. I-IX, 1882-84 Union Exchange List vol. I-II, 1892-94 Detroit Philatelist vol. I-III, 1886-88 Mohawk Standard vol. I-III, 1891-93 Eagle Philatelist vol. I-III, 1880-82 New Jersey Philatelist vol. I-III and 1882-84 Granite State Philatelist vol. I-III; spine faults/repairs and leather erosion to be expected.Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $800
Lot 2107
Early United States Journals, selection of 7 bound runs (library ed.) many of which are complete; includes 1886-87 International Philatelic Advertiser vol. I no. 1-12, 1875-76 Coin & Stamp Journal vol. I-II, 1884-90 Philatelic Gazette vol. I-VI, 1886-88 Collector's Review vol. I-II, 1888 Youths' Collector's Ledger vol. IV, 1885//96 Philatelic Tribune vol. I-II, VI-XXII, 1887-93 One Dime vol I-VI and 1885-87 Empire State Philatelist vol. I-III; cover wear and some faults.Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $300
Lot 2108
Early United States Periodicals, various loose journal runs including many "curiosity" mixed collectable journals; including 1891 Brooklyn Philatelist vol. I no. 1-6, 1872-77 Curiosity Hunter, 1892 The Curio vol. I no. 1-7, 1899-1900 Bi-Monthly Collector, 1895-96 Diamond Philatelist, 1881-82 Philatelists' Gazette, 1880's Stamp Collector's Review, 1882 Empire City Philatelist vol. I, etc., some foreign journals.Estimate $50 - 75.
Realized: $140
Lot 2109
Turn-of-the-Century Journals, group of 15 complete bound runs (library ed.); includes 1896 Daily Stamp Item volume. I-IV, 1894 Southern Weekly Philatelist volume. I no. 1-11, 1896 Herald Exchange volume. I no. 1 - volume. VIII no. 1, 1899-1907 Philatelic Inter-Ocean volume. I no. 1 - volume. X no. 6, 1899-1901 Philatelic Chronicle volume. I no. 1 - volume. IV no. 2, 1910 Billikins Philatelic Magazine volume. I no. 1-4, 1890-95 The Collector (New Chester, Pa.) volume. I no. 1 - volume. V no. 5, 1900-01 Grant's Monthly Philatelist volume. I no. 1-3, 1891-92 United Association Philatelist volume. I no. 1-3, 1899-1900 The Collector (New Oxford/Abbotstown, Pa.) volume. I no. 1 no. 1 - volume. II no. 5, 1892-94 Weekly Philatelist volume. I no. 1 - volume. II no. 95, 1900-01 National Philatelic News volume. I no. 1-4, 1893-94 Minnesota Philatelist volume. I no. 1-5, 1894-95 Philatelic Review of Reviews volume. I no. 1-6 and 1895 The Collector (Minneapolis, Minn.) volume. I no. 1-3.Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $650
Lot 2110
United States Journal Balance, dozen journals mostly broken/incomplete bound runs; includes 1904-06 Stamp Lovers Weekly vol. I-IV, 1901-07 The Perforator vol. XX-XXV, 1939 Stamps vol. XXVIII, 1893//97 Pennsylvania Philatelist vol. IV, IX, XI-XIV, 1891-92 Metropolitan Philatelist vol. II-III, 1935-36 Bureau Specialist vol. VI-VII, 1867-69 American Stamp Mercury vol I & III, 1900-03 New York Philatelist vol. IX no. 1 - vol. XIV no. 1, 1877-79 Stamp Journal vol. III-V, 1889-94 Stamp News vol. VI-X, 1887-88 The Stamp vol. II, 1909 Collector's Journal vol. I, loose with 1874-75 Trifet's Monthly Circular vol. I-II and 1876 American Journal of Philately vol X.Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $240
Lot 2111
United States Journal Group, selection of early bound runs (mix bindings/most library ed.), many complete runs; includes 1887-88 Western Philatelist vol. I-II, 1895-96 Bay State Philatelist vol I, 1885-86 Collector's Companion vol. I-II, 1892//97 American Philatelic Magazine vol. I-II, IV, 1912 U.S. Stamp Co. Herald vol. I, 1912-13 Philatelic Opinion vol. I, 1898 Philatelic Mercantile Agency vol I, 1895-96 Pennsylvania Stamp vol. I, 1884-86 Capitol City Philatelist vol. I-II, 1911-12 Collector's Journal vol II-III, 1895-98 Boston Stamp Book vol I-III, 1887 International Philatelic Advertiser vol. I, 1888-90 Eureka Philatelist vol. I-V, 1888 Curiosity World vol. III, 1882-84 Old Curiosity Shop vol. I-III, 1872 Stamp Collector's Monthly vol. 1, 1888-89 Stamp World vol. IV-VI, 1885-87 Philatelic Herald vol. II-IV, also 2 vols of various small journal runs; binding/spine wear and tear to be expected.Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $400
Lot 2112
United States Periodicals, various loose runs; includes The Southern Philatelist volume I-volume V & volume VII complete (1924-28, 32), The Metropolitan Philatelist broken yet mostly complete run of volume IX-XX (1898-1904) with duplication and some earlier, The Weekly Philatelic Era broken run from volume XIII to XVIII (1898-1903), Philatelic Journal of America various runs including volume X-XIV (1893-95) & volume 21-24 (1910-14), United State Company - Herald volume I-XI complete and a run of 1971 Western Stamp Collector.Estimate $75 - 100.
Realized: $65
Lot 2113
American Philatelic Society, American Philatelist, 1950-63, volumes 64-65, 67-70, 72-76, broken run 11 hardbound volumes, covering a wealth of topics, normal use.Estimate $50 - 75.
Realized: $20
Lot 2114
Moens, J., Catalogue Prix-Courant de Timbres-Poste, 1892-93, softbound, 3 volumes, also includes a 1891 "Septieme Edition" and a 1886 2nd supplement; normal edge wear.Estimate $50 - 75.
Realized: $135