First U.S. Airplane Meet in the US, held outside Baltimore, Md. at Halethorpe Field. Set of seven different pioneer flight picture postcards, one card was used from Baltimore on 21 Nov 1910 with message states they were a great excitement, cards depict famous aviators who competed at this meet including Ely, Drexel, Latham (3), and Radley, in the book The Pioneer Airplane Mails of the US by Thomas J. O'Sullivan states that only 2 cards are known from this meet and no special postmarks were used; some light card wear, F.-V.F., a rare set for the airmail specialist. also, a 1927 magazine is included and on pages 76-94 is an aviation family album of photos. Estimate $400 - 600.
Realized: $190

1911 (Sept. 23-Oct. 1) International Aviation Tournament, Garden City, N.Y. Cover franked with 2¢ Washington tied by bold "Aeroplane Station No. 1, Sep 23, 1911" postmark and matching "Aerial Special Dispatch" handstamp alongside, cover signed "Earee Orvington, First U.S. Air Mail Pilot (First day of mail flights)" at lower left, Very Fine, a very scarce pilot signed first flight. AAMC No. 3. Estimate $750 - 1,000.
Realized: $900

1926-27 Pan-American Good Will Flight. Cover carried over the entire good will flight, with 29 country frankings canceled from each of the countries visited, inside of the cover signed by Major Dargue and the eight surviving aviators, certified statement with cover carried on the "St. Louis" and flight cachets, Very Fine, a choice historical flight cover. AAMC No. 568a. Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $375

1929 Cleveland-Detroit Amphibian Service Flight Cover. Cover with special "First Flight 'Over Lake Erie', Thompson Aeronautical Corp., Cleveland - Detroit Route. Amphibian Service 5-14-'29" cachet in purple, with additional "Amelia Earhart Special Pilot" straight line handstamp with signature of Amelia Earhart, franked with 2¢ Clark issue tied by Railway Express Agency boxed handstamp, reverse with air shipment tag, 1929 National Air Races promotion label and cachet, Very Fine, A rare signed Amelia Earhart flight cover and the only flight she flew over an official C.A.M. route. Estimate $1,000 - 1,500.
Realized: $850

1923 Airmail complete, First Day Covers. Set of 3 covers, each postmarked at Washington, D.C. on the appropriate first day Aug 15, 17, 21, 1923 respectively; matching Colman corner cards to the same addressee; pristine covers, a Very Fine set. Scott No. C4-C6 $1,750.
Realized: $450

Airmail, 1928, 10¢ Lindbergh, Booklet Pane of 3. Tied by purple "Cleveland Midwestern Philatelic Sta., May 26, 1928" First Day of Issue cancel on cover, Very Fine and scarce. Scott No. C10a $800.
Realized: $240

Airmail, 1930 Graf Zeppelin complete. Tied by "New York, N.Y., Varick Sta., Apr 24, 1930" duplex cds's on legal sized multi-colored Hanford cachet cover, appropriate U.S. & German cachets for first Europe-Pan American flight, transit backstamps & round trip cachet on front, Very Fine, a scarce complete set on a Hanford cachet cover. Scott No. C13-C15 Estimate $1,000 - 1,500.
Realized: $800

Airmail, 1930 Graf Zeppelin complete. 65¢ plate no. block of 4, $1.30 vertical pair & $2.60 single, all with top margins on separate matching 5¢ Airmail flight entires, tied by "Varick St. Sta., N.Y., Apr 26, 1930" machine cancels, purple U.S. and red German flight cachets, Lakehurst backstamps, Extremely Fine, a lovely matched flight set. Scott No. C13-C15 Estimate $750 - 1,000.
Realized: $1,050

Airmail, 1930, 65¢ Graf Zeppelin. Cover franked with well-centered block of 4, tied by New York Apr 26, 1930 duplex handstamp, U.S. and German flight cachets also tying, green Lakehurst Zepp receiver on reverse, Very Fine and attractive. Scott No. C13; $700 as used block Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $475

Airmail, 1930, 65¢ + $1.30 Zeppelins. Pair of 65¢ + $1.30 tied on flight cover by New York Apr 30 1930 duplex cancel, red German & purple U.S. flight cachets, green Lakehurst receiver on reverse, Very Fine and attractive. Scott No. C13 + C14; $650 as used Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $300