1851, 1¢ blue, type II, Block of Three. Positions 69-70, 79L2, position 69L2 with double transfer in bottom left scroll, margins to in at top left, tied by New York cds's on cover to Dunkirk, N.Y., Very Fine; signed Ashbrook, with 2009 W. Weiss certificate. Scott No. 7 Estimate $500 - 750.
Realized: $350

1851, 1¢ blue, type II. In combination with four margin 1851, 3¢ yellowish rose red, horizontal strip of three with center stamp showing double frameline at left, all tied by "Santa Clara, Cal., Aug 19" cds on cover to Rochester, N.Y., Very Fine; with 2010 P.F. certificate. Scott No. 7+11 Estimate $400 - 600.
Realized: $950

1851, 1¢ blue, type II, Cracked Plate Variety. Position 12L2 showing crack at upper right, manuscript canceled on cover to Fredericksburg, Va., with oval "Held For Postage" handstamp below; stamp with small gum stain at top left, otherwise Very Fine, a rare drop rate usage; with 2010 P.F. certificate. Scott No. 7 Estimate $400 - 600.
Realized: $375

1851, 1¢ blue, type II. Affixed to San Francisco prices current and tied by address to Portland, O. T. manuscript "pr Columbia" ship endorsement and straight line "Paid" handstamp alongside; minor cover staining and portion of stamp at right added, F.-V.F. appearance. Scott No. 7 Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $70

1851, 1¢ blue, type III. Position 64L4, large margins to just touching and clearly showing breaks at top and bottom, bright color, tied by "West Waterville Me. Aug. 29" cds on unsealed cover to New Vineyard Me.; cover slightly soiled at left, Very Fine, a very scarce on cover usage. Scott No. 8 $3,750.
Realized: $1,200

1851, 1¢ blue, type IIIa. Large margins to just touched, deep rich Plate 4 color, tied by "New-York May 20" circular datestamp on cover to Robinson Springs Ala., fresh and Very Fine. Scott No. 8A $1,200.
Realized: $325

1851, 3¢ orange brown + 1¢ bronze Blood's local. On small neat embossed cover to Bethlehem, Pa., 3c (slightly oxidized) tied by blue Philadelphia town cancel + local with small acid cancel, Very Fine; with 2009 P.F. certificate. Scott No. 10 + 15L13 Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $100

1851, 3¢ orange brown, type II, horizontal pair. Margins ample to touching, manuscript canceled on 1852 folded letter to Rehoboth, Mass., manuscript "Camden, Mi, Jany 3d" postmark, forwarded to West Boscawen, N.H. with additional manuscript postmark and franked with manuscript 1851, 3¢ dull red, horizontal pair (small inking flaws in left stamp), Very Fine; with 2009 P.F. certificate. Scott No. 10A + 11A Estimate $250 - 350.
Realized: $180

1851, 3¢ orange brown, type II. Position 57R1E, clear to ample margins, rich color, tied by fancy Spiral of Dots in Circle cancel on cover to Chicopee, Mass., matching straight line "Paid" handstamp additionally tying stamp and red "Salem, Ms., 3cts., Mar 1" integral rate cds; tear in backflap, Very Fine; with 2008 A.P.S. certificate. Skinner-Eno No. GE-E 25. Scott No. 10A Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $290

1851, 3¢ orange brown, type II. Large margins to just into framelines, tied by manuscript cancel with additional "Paid" straight line on fresh folded letter to Cooperstown, matching "Morris, N.Y., Jan 6" cds, Very Fine. Scott No. 10A Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $95