Hawaii, Postal Card, 1897, 1¢ red on buff, larger border frame. Canceled by purple "Holualoa, Hawaii, Dec 10, 1897" cds and target duplex (235.01, scarcity 3), reverse with mimeographed notice for a stockholders meeting of the Kona-Kau Telephone & Teleg. Co. with purple "Pahala, Hawaii, Dec 12, 1897" receiving cds (235.01, scarcity 3), Very Fine. Scott No. UX8a Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $190

Hawaii, Postal Card, 1897, 1¢ red on buff, larger border frame. Canceled by "Honolulu, H.I., Jul 28, 1898" duplex postmark, reverse with printed Consolidated Soda Water Works Co. notice and distorted "Kailua, Hawaii, Jul 30, 1898" receiving cds (282.011), Very Fine. Scott No. UX8a Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $65

Hawaii, Postal Card, 1897, 1¢ red on buff, larger border frame. Canceled by bold Hilo, Hawaii, Oct 10, 99 cds (271.035), locally addressed, reverse with printed Hall of Kilauea Lodge, No. 330, F. & A.M. meeting notice, fresh and Very Fine. Scott No. UX8a Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $65

Hawaii, Postal Card, 1897, 1¢ red on buff, larger border frame. Two cards addressed locally in Honolulu in 1900, reverse with printed Hawaiian Historical Society meeting notice, Very Fine. Scott No. UX8a Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $65

Hawaii, Postal Card, 1897, 1¢ red on buff, larger border frame. Locally addressed and canceled by "Honolulu, H.I., Jan 27, 1898" duplex postmark, reverse with printed Willison's Circus notice. Scott No. UX8a Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $55