Lot 2098 o
(Double Transfer) 1863, 2¢ black, Major Double Transfer ("Atherton Shift"). Of top left corner and "U.S. Postage", light cork cancel, nicely centered especially for this typically off-centered variety, bold color and strong impression on bright paper enhancing this dramatic shift, scissor blunted perfs at top left and bottom left, Fine attractive appearance, a lovely example of this extremely rare variety, pictured in Brookman (Vol. II, Figure 9), ex-Russo; with 2009 P.F. certificate.Scott No. 73; $15,000 Estimate $5,000 - 7,500.
Realized: $3,250
Lot 2099 o
(Double Transfer) 1863, 2¢ black, Major Double Transfer ("Atherton Shift"). Of top left corner and "U.S. Postage", Worcester, Mass. town cancels, showing full doubling, centered to right, strong color, faint horizontal crease not mentioned on certificate, otherwise Fine, a lovely town canceled example of this very rare and dramatic double transfer variety; with 1974 P.F. certificate.Scott No. 73; $15,000 Estimate $5,000 - 7,500.
Realized: $2,800
Lot 2100
(Double Transfer) 1863, 2¢ black, Major Double Transfer ("Atherton Shift"). Of top left corner and "U.S. Postage", neatly tied on small piece by circle of wedges cancel, centered to lower right with full upper portion of stamp unobscured by cancellation, rich color and sharp detailed impression, Fine, a very rare sound example of the 2¢ Blackjack "Atherton shift" and one of finest examples of this major double transfer variety, illustrated in Lane, ex Allen; with 1994 P.F. certificate.Scott No. 73; $15,000 Estimate $5,000 - 7,500.
Realized: $3,750
Lot 2101 o
(Double Transfer) 1863, 2¢ black, Major Double Transfer ("Atherton Shift"). Of top left corner and "U.S. Postage", centered to left with full margins around, lightly canceled, small tear at bottom right and reperforated at top, about Fine appearance, a very rare major double transfer variety with only fourteen examples recorded; with 1998 P.F. certificate.Scott No. 73 $15,000.
Realized: $2,300
Lot 2102 o
(Double Transfer) 1863, 2¢ black, Major Double Transfer ("Preston Shift"). Position 81R, left gutter margin single showing significant portion of adjacent stamp, blue cork cancel, centered to bottom with huge margins around, strong bold color accentuating transfer, small thin spot and corner creases, Fine appearance, an attractive example of this very rare variety; with 2002 P.F. certificate.Scott No. 73 $4,500.
Realized: $1,400
Lot 2103 o
(Double Transfer) 1863, 2¢ black, Major Double Transfer ("Preston Shift"). Position 81, usual natural s.e. at left, manuscript cancel, strong color, perforation creases at top, otherwise Fine, still an attractive example of this very rare major double transfer variety.Scott No. 73 $4,500.
Realized: $575
Lot 2104 o
(Double Transfer) 1863, 2¢ black, Major Double Transfer ("Preston Shift"). Left gutter margin single (position 81R), blue ink brush cancel, usual centering to the top with huge margins around and showing portions of adjacent stamps at sides, bold color and impression on fresh paper clearly showing shift, two small corner creases at bottom, otherwise Fine, a lovely example of this major double transfer rarity, ex McClellan; with 2009 P.F. certificate.Scott No. 73 $4,500.
Originally discovered in 1851, Stanley Ashbrook a few years later commented on this variety after consulting many of the prominent Blackjack students, and found no one had ever seen an example of this stamp…It is the only copy that I have ever been able to find and is evidently much scarcer than the well-known "Atherton Shift". .
Realized: $2,200
Lot 2105 o
(Double Transfer) 1863, 2¢ black, Major Double Transfer ("Preston Shift"). Left gutter margin single (position 81R), showing strong doubling of top right "2" and scroll and leaf design below, "U" of "U.S." and "Cents" at lower right, blue segmented cancel, centered just into top with huge margins around showing portions of adjacent stamps at sides, small tear & top right corner added, Fine appearance, an extremely rare major double transfer variety, with less than 10 examples known; with 2009 P.F. certificate.Scott No. 73 $4,500.
Realized: $525
Lot 2106 o
1867, 2¢ black, D. Grill, Triple Transfer. With upwards transfer in top left scroll and sideways transfer at bottom, neat cork cancel, attractively centered, deep color, light corner creases at bottom and a few slightly short perfs, otherwise Fine, an extremely rare 2¢ Black, D. Grill Triple Transfer Variety, an unlisted variety in Scott however variety listed but unpriced for the ungrilled 2¢ Blackjack issue.Scott No. 84 var. Estimate $2,000 - 3,000.
Realized: $1,500
Lot 2107 o
(Double Transfer) 1867, 2¢ black, Z. grill, Major Double Transfer ("Preston Shift"). Position 81R, showing all double transfer characteristics however less distinct to it's ungrilled counterpart, likely due to ongoing plate wear, tiny trace of cancel in left margin, strong clearly defined grill, reperforated at top and left, about Fine appearance, the unique example of the "Preston Shift" major double transfer on the 2¢ Blackjack, Z. Grill issue.Scott No. 85B Estimate $1,000 - 1,500.
Realized: $1,050