Alaska Ship Letters. Lot of nine covers originating from Alaska all from the same correspondence to the Kittredge Family in Minnesota, all with various "Ship" & Due handstamps or markings, one cover with straight line "Steamer Humboldt", used from 1894-98, including a additional 4 town postmark covers/cards; mixed condition, Fine, a valuable & very rare group. Estimate $1,000 - 1,500.
Realized: $1,050

Sitka, Alaska T./Aug. Cds & matching target cancel on 3¢ entire with Wells, Fargo & Co. company frank to California, F.-V.F., a nice early Alaska cover. Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $4,750

Sitka, Alaska/Aug. 15, 1900. Legal size Penalty envelope with "Department of the Interior" imprint & manuscript "Sur.(veyor) General Office, Sitka, Alaska", sent to Council City, Alaska with "U.S. Post Office, Alaska/Oct. 2, 1900" cds, cover sent to Dead Letter Office in Washington, D.C. & Returned to Writer with Washington, D.C. Aug. 1901 machine cancel (one year later), cover light cover wrinkles, Very Fine and unusual. Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $500

Georgetown C.T. (Colorado Territory), July 9th 67. Manuscript postmark on cover to Oswego, Indiana franked with 1861 3¢ rose with "x" pen cancel, included is original letter headed "Georgetown Colorado, Sunday Eve July 7th 1867" with contents that read, "I am working on a new road for a Company that crosses the Mountains to Argentine about eight miles from this place…", "One of my mates is getting up a Company to go on a Exploring Expedition to start from here by the first of September to go across the Snowy range and from there to the Colorado River and back to Salt Lake City…", letter talks of the 4th of July with four dances, a few drunk men & returning home to our bachelor quarters, Very Fine, with photocopy of a 1965 Stamps article in which this cover was illustrated, ex-Jarrett. Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $1,350

Julesburg, Colo. Aug 3. Clear cds (misspelled) and matching target tying 1869, 3¢ ultramarine (s.e. at left) on 1870 cover to New York City, manuscript "Fort Sedgwick, C.T., Aug 3rd, 1870" docketing in pencil at top, Very Fine. Estimate $150 - 200.
The Julesburgh post office operated simultaneously with Fort Sedgwick from August 1866 to August 31, 1868, when it was again closed. It reopened April 8, 1869 and was closed yet again November 27, 1871.
Realized: $2,200

Fort Laramie, Daka/Aug. 17, '67. Neat cds on cover to Maine franked with 1861 3¢ rose (s.e., trivial flaws) tied by target cancel, Very Fine. Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $105

Steamer Black Hills, Yankton, Dakota (Territory, now South Dakota). Printed corner card on legal size cover carried outside of the mails, with a large vignette of a Missouri River Transportation Company (Coulson Line) side-wheeler underway, dateable to between 1877 when the P.S. Black Hills was built and 1884 when the riverboat was crushed by ice, corner nick at upper left affecting the corner card, edge wear, small tears and toning, Fine. Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $55

Jno. Ross, Prinl. Chief, Public Service. Manuscript free frank on undated folded letter sheet addressed to the Canadian district of the Cherokee Nation; cover with tiny edge tears, F.-V.F., a rare free frank usage from this Cherokee chief; with 2009 P.F. certificate. Estimate $500 - 750.
Between 1790 and 1845, the Cherokee attempted to become a nation state, lost their ancestral land, endured removal to the Indian Territory, and suffered the destructive Civil War, in which their early alliance with the Confederacy jeopardized their nation. Throughout these tumultuous years, the dominant political figure in the Cherokee Nation was John Ross, whose leadership spanned the entire period. By ancestry, Ross was seven-eighths Scottish, and he grew up in both Cherokee and frontier American environments.
Realized: $500

Carson City., U.T. Blue straight line postmark with manuscript "Dec. 10" date on cover to Ohio franked with manuscript cancel 1857 10¢ green type V, adhesive tied by manuscript docketing "Old Letters of G.W. Gridleys/Preserve Carefully", repeated at left, Very Fine and a scarce straight line postmark; with 1981 P.F. certificate. Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $190

Carson Valley, U.T. Bold cds on 1853-55 10¢ Nesbitt entire to Massachusetts, Very Fine and choice. Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $375