Adams & Co./Portland, O.T. Red oval express handstamp on buff 1854 cover to Boston, manuscript "Paid" & "Adams & Co. Express" endorsements crossed out and the cover was mailed in San Francisco with San Francisco/Feb. 16 and boxed "30" cent rate handstamp, included is original enclosure from "Oregon City", letter with interesting contents, cover stained & some wear, Fine. Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $95

Wells, Fargo & Co./Mill City. Blue oval handstamp on 3¢ entire to Sacramento with black company frank, F.-V.F. Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $125
Oregon Express Balance. Lot of 18 covers & entires mainly from Tracy & Co., includes two "Wells, Fargo & Co./Portland" handstamp on entire with "Salmon River & Nez Perces Express/Paid 50 Cents." frank, seven Tracy's covers (one appears dubious), one 1888 usage of 4¢ legal size entire with green Pacific Express Co. frank & violet Company handstamp of Portland, one 1853-55 10¢ Nesbitt entire with Wells, Fargo & Co. red Frank & blue Portland oval handstamp to New Hampshire, One Mossman & Co's Express, Dirigo, Nez Perces & Salmon River Mines/Paid printed frank & manuscript The Dalles postmark (indicia replaced affecting manuscript postmark), mixed condition, worth inspection a great lot for the specialist (no photo). Estimate $400 - 600.
Realized: $850

Oregon Expresses. 28 covers (most faulty or repaired) including one Adams (1853 stampless folded letter with Portland company handstamp), one F. W. Blake (with Wells Fargo frank and "Collect 25" manuscript notation, carried from California and mailed from Corvallis to Harrisburg) along with one Rhodes & Whitney (carried from California and mailed from Jacksonville to Harrisburg), one Buchanan, two Hastings (with horse and rider printed franks), one Jamison's, seven Northern Pacific Express (three with Portland handstamps, conjunctive use with [Union] Pacific Express, conjunctive use with Wells Fargo, etc.), one Pacific Express (with globe printed frank and faint Portland handstamp), two Pacific Union Express (one with shaded ad from San Francisco and mailed from Portland to Roseburg and the other mailed from San Francisco to Roseburg), nine Tracy (company handstamps from Dalles and Portland), and two Wells Fargo (one with "Paid 25 Cts." printed frank with Dalles company handstamp and one conjunctive use with Langton's with Portland company handstamp), lot also includes four collection envelopes (Cram Rogers, Wells Fargo, and Wines), a Tracy freight receipt for a money package (from Salem in 1861), two unused Beekman receipts, and two postal covers with [Union] Pacific Express printed corner cards, mixed condition, about Fine. Estimate $500 - 750.
Realized: $950

Wells, Fargo & Co. Express Balance. Attractive lot of 26 entires with Wells, Fargo & Co. handstamps & company franks, Wells, Fargo & Co. towns include Albany, Astoria, Canonville, Dalles, Eugene, Jacksonville, Oakland, Oregon City, Portland (one with Wells, Fargo & Co. Messenger, used on the Columbia River), Roseburg, Salem, few small faults, but condition is well above average. Estimate $1,500 - 2,000.
Realized: $1,600

Wells, Fargo & Co. Oregon Shaded Advertising Covers. Lot of 19 shaded advertising covers, all on postal entires, companies include Meussdorffer, Willamette Woolen Manufacturing Co., Henry Weinhard Brewery, Marks & Co., various Oregon Wells, Fargo & Co. markings, mixed condition, please inspect. Estimate $500 - 750.
Realized: $725

Wells, Fargo & Co./San Antonio, Tex./Jul 26, 1883. Magenta oval handstamp on 6¢ entire to San Francisco with black Wells, Fargo & Co. company frank, corner slightly worn at top right, F.-V.F. and scarce. Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $85
Wells, Fargo & Co., Texas Usages. 4 covers, including green Mexican company frank with red El Paso 1891 handstamp, Austin oval handstamp on blue Columbian Issue company frank (closed tear), purple El Paso handstamp on 2¢ brown entire to Tucson, Arizona Territory, brown oval San Felipe datestamp; mixed condition (no photo). Estimate $75 - 100.
Realized: $100
Wells, Fargo & Co., Utah Usages. 26 covers, all with black company frank, various Wells, Fargo & Co. town handstamps, including many Salt Lake Cty U.T., several Silver City, also Ogden, Ophir, Corinne, etc; a few with town postmarks like Ogden City; many to San Francisco but also other destinations like Santa Cruz, Carson City, N.T., Sanphilipa, Folsom; Virginia City, Montana; Leavenworth City, Kansas; New York City, etc; condition often F-VF, please inspect (no photo). Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $1,100
Washington Expresses. 12 covers (most faulty) including six Northern Pacific Express (one with Chehalis manuscript postmark and one with Northern Pacific Railroad double circle handstamp), one Puget Sound Express (straight line handstamp on conjunctive use with Wells Fargo), one Spokane & Salmon River (unused), one Tracy (Walla Walla company handstamp), and three Wells Fargo (one Boise Mines frank remainder use with Walla Walla company handstamp and two regular franks with posthumous Tracy Walla Walla handstamps), lot also includes two postal covers or cards (one is a postal card with a Northern Pacific Express freight pickup notice),mixed condition, V.G (no photo). Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $325