Adams & Co.'s Express (1849-1855). 16 stampless covers or folded letters from the first major western express company, three "Paid" uses and one "Free" use, company handstamps from Benicia, Columbia, Marysville, Mormon Island, Nevada City, Sacramento, San Francisco, and Stockton, lot also includes a cover cutout from Napa, two second of exchanges, and a check (signed "Freeman + Co by Fullerton" in 1852), mixed condition, F.-V.F. overall. Estimate $400 - 600.
Realized: $850

Alta Express Co. (1857-1858). 10 covers from the successor to Pacific Express Co., all with pictorial printed frank in two types, two on plain envelopes (one with uncancelled 1857 3¢ and the other a remainder use) and the rest on 1853 3¢ Nesbitt entires, company handstamps from Marysville and San Francisco, lot also includes a company trade card, mixed condition, about Fine overall. Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $500

Bamber & Co.'s Express (1858-1873). 19 covers beginning with one plain envelope (legal size) sent and returned collect, one plain envelope with 1857 3¢ and three 1861 or 1864 3¢ pink entires all with handstamped franks (one "Bacon & Hardy Oakland Office"), seven 1864 3¢ pink entires with printed franks (one "W. B. Hardy's Office Oakland"), two with printed corner cards, then one incoming 1864 3¢ pink entire with Wells Fargo frank, five 1870 3¢ green entires with printed franks, one uprated with 3¢ green and mailed from Antioch to Canada, another with printed corner card and uprated with 3¢ green x 2 and mailed from Mission San Jose to Germany, and finally an additional 1870 3¢ green entire that is a posthumous Whitney use of a Bamber frank from Somersville, company handstamps from Oakland and San Francisco with several conjunctive uses with Wells Fargo, lot also includes a cover cutout from "Camp Allen, Oct 12 /63", a Wells Fargo cover with a Whitney printed corner card, an 1874 3¢ green entire (front only) with a Whitney frank, and an 1898 Oakland postal cover with a "People's Express & Transfer Co." printed corner card and franked with a revenue stamp, mixed condition, Fine overall. Estimate $400 - 600.
Realized: $700

(California Express Covers) Eclectic Balance. Nine items including a California Letter Express cover cutout, a Noisy Carrier cover from San Francisco to Ohio, a drop rate postal cover addressed to Noisy Carrier C. P. Kimball in San Francisco, a G. B. Post cover forwarded from San Francisco to Honolulu, a Pacific Mail Express Co. "S. Francisco to Acapulco / Via American Mail / ½ Oz. 2 Rl." label (off cover), a Wells Fargo collection envelope, an 1894 Wells Fargo Los Angeles provisional Butler frank paste-up to San Francisco, and two unused Wells Fargo franked envelopes (one Overland Via Los Angeles frank on 1853 3¢ Nesbitt entire that has been made into a non-original paste-up and one red westbound Pony Express frank on 1853 6¢ Nesbitt entire), mixed condition, Fine overall. Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $375

(California Express Covers) Handstamped Franks or Company Handstamps. On 22 covers or folded letters, mostly 1850's companies (12 covers, nine stampless) including Berford, Freeman (both periods, one from Panama), Hawes (to Panama "Care John Freeman Esq."), Hunter, Reynolds & A. H. Todd (including one cover illustrated in Nathan's Franks of Western Expresses), W. H. Robinson, Rumrill, and C. A. Todd, plus a few later companies (five covers) including Buckley's, Cherokee, Pescadero & Half Moon Bay, and Whiting, lot also includes a Cram Rogers collection envelope, a Cram Rogers check, an unused Newell receipt, and a property deed with a Wheeler handstamp, mixed condition, Fine overall. Estimate $400 - 600.
Realized: $1,000

(California Express Covers) Manuscript Endorsements. On 13 covers including "Adams + Co. Express" on 1854 stampless cover to the Pacific Mail Steamship Company in San Francisco, "per Latta" on 1867 cover to Nevada City, "Loop and Shafers Express" on 1850's incoming cover to Weaverville, "Politness Stage Driver" on 1880's cover to Forbestown, "Care Singers or Sangers Express" and "Care Singer + Co.s' Express Via Marysville" on a pair of 1850's incoming covers to Meeker Flat, "Steere + Colby's Express East Oakland" on circa 1880 cover to San Francisco, "per Todds Express" on 1850's stampless cover to Sonora and "By Todds Express" on Adams San Francisco 1853 stampless cover to Stockton, "Wells Fargo + Co.'s Express" and "Free" on 1850's stampless cover to New York City street address with Boyds handstamp, "via Wells Fargo + Co. Exp to Marysville thence via Whiting + Co." on 1850's incoming cover to Quincy, "Care of Whitney + Co. Express" on 1850's incoming cover to Quincy, and "Collect 50" on 1855 incoming cover to Mountain Springs, very mixed condition but rare material, about Fine overall. Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $500

(California Express Covers) Printed Franks or Embossed Franks. On 34 covers, companies include Blake, Chase's (embossed), Downieville & Howland's Flat, Eureka, Hopkinson's, Kennedy & Long, La Porte, Lamping, Penman (embossed), River Express, Schoch's, Singer & Morrow, Swift, Thomes & Skadden's, Tinnin & Owen's, L. H. Wells, Wheeler's, Wheeler & Rutherford, and Whiting, lot also includes a stampless cover with an inked impression from a Eureka Express signet, a Eureka Express parcel tag, two 1870's Moore's Flat And Eureka Express waybills, two Whiting collection envelopes, and four postal covers with River Express text advertising, Fine overall. Estimate $750 - 1,000.
Realized: $2,100

The Everts Expresses (1850-1862). 22 covers comprised of nine "Everts, Snell & Co." stampless covers (seven incoming and two outgoing), four "Everts, Davis & Co." printed franks on 1853 3¢ or 10¢ Nesbitt entires, eight "Everts, Wilson & Co." printed franks on 1853 3¢ or 10¢ Nesbitt entires or 1860 3¢ Star Die entires (four are fronts only), and one plain envelope with an "Everts, Wilson & Co.'s Express / La Porte" handstamp and containing an 1858 promissory note to the company, various other company handstamps (including the early "Evert" misspelled handstamp), and various postmarks (La Porte, Marysville, and Strawberry Valley) on the eastbound covers, mixed condition, Fine overall. Estimate $400 - 600.
Realized: $1,150
Unused Western Express Entires. 17 mostly pristine covers, variety of franks including Eureka Express on 2¢ Columbian entire, couple "Overland Mail, Via Los Angeles" with train on one, colored stage coach on other, red "Wells, Fargo & Co." on Pony Express 3¢ Star Die entire, several Wells, Fargo & Co. on Columbian entires, blue Pacific Stage & Express Co. oval with stage coach, etc; lovely group worth examination (no photo). Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $575

Freeman & Co.'s Express (1855-1860). 18 covers from this successor to Adams & Co.'s Express including 17 1853 3¢ Nesbitt entires (one is a front only) with red printed frank (two left-leaning), three with printed corner cards, and one 1853 10¢ Nesbitt entire with green printed frank to New York City street address and "Collect" oval handstamp, company handstamps include Columbia, Coulterville, Red Bluff, Sacramento, Sacramento Messenger, San Francisco, Santa Cruz, Shasta, and Stockton Messenger, lot also includes an 1859 postal cover with a Freeman New York printed corner card to New Brunswick (underpaid and delivered collect) plus an 1860 postal cover with a Freeman Boston printed corner card to New York, mixed condition, F.-V.F. overall. Estimate $400 - 600.
Realized: $900