Philippines, Collection, 1854-1896. On Scott pages, including several varieties, generally nice condition for these, owner's Scott catalog value $1,034. Estimate $250 - 350.
Realized: $220
Scandinavia, Collection, 1851-1979. Extensive collection neatly displayed in Scott Specialty album, very well filled with mostly mint and some used, from the first issues onwards; excellent Denmark (owner's 2007 Scott catalog value $10,370 + Faroes #2-6 used; D.W.I. (2008 Scott $2,600); Greenland including some Pakke Porto used; nice Finland including group of serpentine roulettes with teeth; excellent Iceland (2008 Scott $10,350); Norway (2008 Scott $8,075) including 4-margin #1; and decent Sweden (2006 Scott $10,600); a very attractive, clean, mostly VF collection deserving close evaluation, with total owner's catalog value $50,000 ++. Estimate $7,500 - 10,000.
Realized: $5,250
Scandinavia, Denmark & Iceland, Collection, 1851-1990. Lovely mostly used displayed in Schaubek Skandinavien album, classics quite well represented, middle period somewhat scattered and nearly complete from the 1970's, with some mint later issues on stocksheets; Iceland with more mint; owner's 2010 Scott catalog value for Denmark $3,400 and Iceland $2800, attractive collections generally F-VF or better, please review. Estimate $1,000 - 1,500.
Realized: $700
Lot 3414 o
Sweden, Used Stock, 1886-1969. Stock of thousands of stamps sorted in envelopes and in a stock book, please inspect.Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $145
Lot 3415 o
Switzerland, Collection, 1850-1977. All used neatly hinged in Schaubek album, with good representation of Sitting Helvetia's imperf and perforated; Standing Helvetia's with many shades & perf varieties; well filled thereafter with Semipostals and Airmails nearly complete (lacking C1-2); definitive and commemoratives with values to 10fr; including PAX set complete; other back-of-the-book present but not filled, including some Officials; paper & perf varieties abound, needs careful evaluation to determine true value, please inspect.Estimate $750 - 1,000.
Realized: $1,100
Switzerland, Collection, 1854-1985. Neatly displayed in 3 Lighthouse hingeless albums, including Semipostals, Airs and other back-of-the-book, rather sparse in the early issues but starts to fill in around the 1920's and onward, quite complete and missing only the scarcest; note definitives and commemoratives including PAX set l.h., Airs from C1, Semis from B1, many souvenir sheets, fairly well filled in Officials but lacking the scarcest; uniformly fresh, F-VF or better, careful valuation recommended. Estimate $1,000 - 1,500.
Realized: $1,300
Switzerland,. One woman's collection including 1000's of covers and many binders (MNH complete sets in blocks of 4, etc.), stock books full of material, albums (including the main collection with catalog value of several thousand dollars), etc; careful inspection should be rewarding. Estimate $1,000 - 1,500.
Realized: $1,200
Switzerland, Semipostals on Cover, 1917-1995. Box with many 100's of covers, most franked with semipostals, and stockbook with mint & used, some interesting usages including a 1930 Zeppelin cover with green Danzig transit postmark and franked with semipostal blocks; many other usages, few FDC's, some mint stamps and booklets, some time sorting with be rewarding. Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $525
Vatican, Collection, 1929-2000. Splendid display in 3 Lindner hingeless albums, virtually complete for the period, all never hinged except 35-40 Surcharges and C16-7 lightly hinged, fresh and pristine including the early commemoratives and back-of-the-book, the early NH sets command huge premiums, please examine. Estimate $1,500 - 2,000.
Realized: $2,000
Vatican, Complete Collection, 1929-93. Most early better sets are used and very nice including 1934 surcharges (#35-40, signed and with a certificate), 1948 Raphael Airmail set, etc.; some early mint only toning on back (although 1952 souvenir sheet is n.h., VF as are all later issues); generally o.g., never hinged, nice complete collection with owner's Scott catalog value of $3,065. Estimate $750 - 1,000.
Realized: $950