Lot 227
Spain & Colonies Literature Balance. 17 publications and a few monographs; handbooks including Gooding Spanish-Philippine Stamp Forgeries - Volume I - Queen Isabella II 1854-1864, EDIFIL España y Dependencias Postales 1987 Tome I-II, Monné Las Falsificaciones Del Sello Español, Guia Catálogo de Falsos Postales España, Cuba, Filipinas, Aguiar Estudio Sobre La Primera Emision Postal de Antillas Espanolas (2 copies), 1877 London Philatelic Society Catalogue of Postage Stamps, Stamped Envelopes and Post Cards, Spain and Colonies, Shelley The Postal History of the International Brigades in Spain 1936-39 and The Postal History of the Spanish Civil War 1936-36, Lowe La Obra De Jean De Sperati - España y Colonias Españolas, etc.Estimate $75 - 100.
Realized: $375
Lot 228
[Philippines] Peterson, D. & Lewis, G., Postal History of the Spanish Philippines, 1565-1898. 2000, hardbound, 238pgs, with dust jacket, like new.Estimate $40 - 60.
Realized: $50
Lot 229
Stagg, E., Sudan: The Postal Markings, 1867-1970. 1974, hardbound, 196pgs, normal wear.Estimate $40 - 60.
Realized: $70
Lot 230
Adres, F. & Emmenegger, H., Großes Handbuch der Abstemplungen auf Schweizer Marken 1843-1907. 1969-73, loose leaf in 8 custom binders (5 tan with text only, 3 green with illustrations only), in German/French/Italian, like new. The comprehensive study of postal markings for the period.Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $80
Lot 231
Brach, H., Switzerland, 1854-63: The Imperforate Sitting Helvetia - Strubel. 2000, hardbound, 277pgs, full color illus, like new.Estimate $40 - 60.
Realized: $230
Lot 232
Mirabaud, P. & Dereuterskiold, A., The Postage Stamps of Switzerland, 1843-1862. 1899, hardbound, 267pgs, illus + 14 color plates, ed 137 of 150 in English, some cover wear and page foxing.Estimate $1,000 - 1,500.
Realized: $1,000
Lot 233
Switzerland Literature Balance. 17 publications; including Henrioud-Winkler Les Marques Postales de la Suisse 1650-1850 & Winkler Supplément, Mirabaud-de Reuterskiöld The Postage Stamps of Switzerland 1843-1862, de Reuterskiöld The Forgeries of the "Cantonal" Stamps of Switzerland… plus the original French editions of 1889 & 1898, Hunziker Strubel, Helvetia assise non dentelée 1854-1862, Fulpius La Poste À Genève, Tome I-II, Von Girsewald The Stamps of Switzerland 1843-1854, etc.Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $260
Lot 234
Zumstein, E., Die Briefmarken der Schweiz. 1926, hardbound, 500pgs illus + color plates bound in, spine damage otherwise normal use.Estimate $50 - 75.
Realized: $70
Lot 235
Zumstein, E., Handbook of the Postage Stamps of Switzerland. 1910, hardbound in 1/4 leather, 61pgs + 6 collotype plates, normal use; classic study of the Cantonal & Federal issues.Estimate $75 - 100.
Realized: $145
Lot 236
Zumstein, E., Handbook of the Postage Stamps of Switzerland. 1910, softbound, 61pgs uncut + 6 collotype plates, reinforced binding; classic study of the Cantonal & Federal issues.Estimate $40 - 60.
Realized: $25