1879, 30¢ full black. O.g., very lightly hinged, well centered amid large margins, lovely rich color, Very Fine and choice, a beautiful mint stamp; with 1982 P.F. certificate. Scott No. 190 $1,100.
Realized: $700

1879, 30¢ full black. O.g., barest trace of hinge (appears n.h.), well centered amid nicely balanced margins, rich color, Extremely Fine; with 2008 P.S.E. certificate. Scott No. 190 $1,100.
Realized: $725

Lot 2315 o
1879, 90¢ carmine. Bold dark shade, jumbo margin at top, light registry cancel, Very Fine and attractive.Scott No. 191 $325.
Realized: $230

2316 (
1880 Special Printing, 24¢ dark violet. Without gum as issued, attractively centered, rich color and sharp detailed impression on fresh bright paper, F.-V.F., a lovely example of the 1880 24¢ Special Printing; with 1991 and 2008 P.F. certificates. Scott No. 200 $14,000.
Realized: $7,500

1882, 10¢ brown, re-engraved. O.g., never hinged, well centered amid nicely balanced margins, fresh with deep rich color, Very Fine and choice; with 2004 P.F. certificate. Scott No. 209 $600.
Realized: $475

2318 o
1883-87, 1¢ ultramarine & 2¢ red brown Precancelled Blocks. Two used blocks, 210 block of 8 with "Springfield, Mass." precancels, o.g. never hinged! 212 is a block of 4 disturbed o.g., probably Northford, Conn. straight line precancel (per John Boker), scarce, Fine; 210 with 1988 P.F. certificate. Scott No. 210, 212 Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $325

1888, 4¢ carmine. O.g., very lightly hinged, nicely centered amid uncommonly large margins, rich color, a Very Fine jumbo; with 2005 P.F. certificate. Scott No. 215 $240.
Realized: $625

1888, 4¢ carmine. O.g., lightly hinged twice, bold color, F.-V.F. Scott No. 215 $240.
Realized: $110

1888, 5¢ indigo. O.g., small hinge remnant, Very Fine. Scott No. 216 $275.
Realized: $350


1890, 1¢ dull blue. Bottom right sheet margin plate block of 20 with plate "No. 295", letter "F1" and imprint, o.g., never hinged (light foreign offset on gum), rich color, bright and pristine, Fine, a lovely multiple. Scott No. 219 $4,040 for plate block & singles.
Realized: $950