1861, 1¢ blue. Eight examples, o.g., couple n.h., rest l.h. except one regummed, few with light gum toning, generally F.-V.F.; 2 with 2005 P.S.E. certificate (no photo). Scott No. 63; $2,015 Estimate $500 - 750.
Realized: $625

Lot 2225 o
1861, 1¢ blue. 15 examples, one dark blue, various cancels including red carrier cancel, pair lightly cancelled, and single on piece with three revenue stamps, few minor flaws, with a few nice examples, generally F.-V.F. appearance.Scott No. 63 $760.
Realized: $280

1861, 3¢ rose. Top left block of 18 with imprint, o.g., few natural gum skips at top, some perf separations and a few small faults, Fine, an attractive large multiple. Scott No. 65 $3,100.
Realized: $450

2227 o
1861, 3¢ rose. Block of 6 (natural s.e. at right), blue Chicago Supplementary Mail Type C cancels, some wrinkling, Fine appearance. Scott No. 65 Estimate $50 - 75.
Realized: $95

2228 E
1861, 3¢ N.B.N.C. "Premiere Gravure" essay, in brown rose. Complete design, plate on semi-transparent stamp paper, perf'd and gummed (formerly Scott #56), block of 4, o.g., neatly hinged at top, bottom stamps never hinged, rich color and exceptional freshness, Very Fine. Scott No. 65-E15h $2,200.
Realized: $1,000

Lot 2229 o
1861, 5¢ buff. Central circle of wedges cancel, nicely centered, strong color, small corner crease at bottom left, otherwise F.-V.F.; with 2006 P.S.E. certificate.Scott No. 67 $1,100.
Realized: $170

1861, 5¢ buff. Five examples, cancels include PAID and Old Point Comfort, several grids, small faults, Fine or better appearing. Scott No. 67 $5,500.
Realized: $750

Lot 2231 o
1861, 10¢ yellow green. Cork cancel, beautifully centered amid huge margins all around, rich color, an Extremely Fine to Superb jumbo, a mammoth used stamp; P.S.E. Graded encapsulated (XF-Sup 95J, SMQ $840 for grade of 95).Scott No. 68 $63.
Realized: $550

Lot 2232 o
1861, 10¢ yellow green. "TAG" transfer, light fancy geometric cancel, exceptional centering amid wide margins, rich vibrant color, Extremely Fine and choice, a gorgeous stamp; with 2008 P.F. certificate.Scott No. 68 $63.
Realized: $240

Lot 2233 E
1861, 12¢ Washington essay, by Toppan, Carpenter & Co., in black. Complete design, die on India, mounted on die sunk card (80x80mm), exceptionally fresh, Extremely Fine and choice, one of the finest known.Scott No. 69-E4a $800.
Realized: $475