1857, 1¢ blue, type IV. Position 7R1L, tied by neat "New Haven, Con., Feb 24, 1858" cds on small locally addressed folded cover note, Very Fine and choice; with 2008 P.F. certificate. Scott No. 23 Estimate $600 - 800.
This stamp is from the late state of same position that produced the 1851, 1¢ blue, type I.
Realized: $575

1857, 3¢ rose, type I. Single on 20 covers; various shades and postmarks; condition varies, F.-V.F. overall. Scott No. 25; $2,800 Estimate $400 - 600.
Realized: $200

1857, 3¢ dull red, type III. 60 1859-61 dated covers; a variety of shades including brownish carmine and claret, a scarce yellow brown shade, guidelines, etc.; condition varies, F.-V.F. overall. Scott No. 26 Estimate $250 - 350.
Realized: $125

1857, 3¢ dull red, type III. 60 1857-58 dated covers; a variety of shades, early usages from St. Louis and Philadelphia, several "Alpha" plates; condition varies, Fine. Scott No. 26 Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $170

1857, 3¢ dull red, type III. Tied by unusual grid on 1860-61 3¢ Star Die entire to New Hampshire with "Brooklyn, N.Y. Oct 18" (1861) cds, entire with blind embossed business corner card, cover struck with straight-line "Due 1 Cent" for carrier fee, light barely noticeable horizontal file fold through top of cover through stamps, Very Fine. Scott No. 26+U27 Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $200

1859, 10¢ green, type V, vertical strip of three. Tied on cover to France by blue "Louisville, Ky. Sep 8, 1859" cds's with New York transit marking and "Short Paid" handstamp, other markings front & back; small cover tear at top and reduced at top and left, Fine appearance. Scott No. 35 Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $180

1857, 12¢ black, plate I, horizontal pair. Tied on cover to England by "Norwich, Ct. Jul 5, 1858" cds with red "19" credit and red Liverpool entry marking; small edge tears and some wear, Fine appearing. Scott No. 36 Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $180

1857, 12¢ black, plate I, pair. Tied on cover to England by "Northampton, Ms. Feb 20" (1859) cds with red "London Paid" handstamp, cover back flap missing and slightly reduced at the top, very fine pair (slight perf toning), Fine appearance. Scott No. 36 $550.
Realized: $145