Chi. To Greenbay, R.P.O., Jun 19. Two strikes of cds (Towle 839-D-1), one tying 1869, 3¢ ultramarine on 1869 cover to Belvidere, Ill., stamp with small corner crease, otherwise Very Fine, a very scarce marking; with 2009 P.F. certificate. Scott No. 114 Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $180

Culverton (Ga.), Agency, Apr 1, 1874. Blue oval date stamp tying 1874, 3¢ green on cover to Tallahassee, Florida; cover slightly reduced at bottom, F.-V.F., a rare railroad agent postmark from Culverton, Ga., unlisted in Towle & Meyer. Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $270

Mic. Central R.R., Mic., Sep 17. Sharp cds tying 1851, 3¢ orange brown (ample margins to slightly in at upper left) on fresh cover to Howell, Mich., "By Dexter Mail" endorsement at lower left, Very Fine. Scott No. 10 Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $65

N.(ew) H.(aven) & Bellows Falls R.R., Sep 17. Full strike of cds tying 1851, 3¢ dull red on cover to North Scituate, R.I., Very Fine, a scarce railroad postmark. Remele No. N4-a. Scott No. 11 Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $200
1852-57 Railroad Postmarks. 6 covers & one front, all franked with #11's; including Eastern R.R., Northern R.R., Phila. and Baltimore R.R., Boston & Maine R.R. and A & St.L. & Androscogin & Kennebeck R.R. markings, few minor flaws, Fine or better group (no photo). Scott No. 11 Estimate $400 - 500.
Realized: $400

Railroad Covers. Eight covers franked with 1869, 3¢ ultramarine; including Cincinnati & Louisville U.S. Mail Line corner card, blue B&0 R.Road handstamp (slightly blurry), Chicago and Green Bay R.P.O., few covers have backflap flaws or reductions, one has a portion added at the top, mostly Fine. Scott No. 114 Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $375

C.P.R.R./Washington/Aug. 20, 1884. Blue double circle cds on 1884, 2¢ red entire to San Francisco, Wells, Fargo & Co. frank at top, light vertical fold at center, F.-V.F., a very scarce railroad agent handstamp probably used from Washington Corners (Alameda County). Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $55