(Gun & Powder) John P. Lovell Arms Co. 1896 cover showing ad for 1897 Lovell Diamond Cycles with Globe, franked with 2¢ Bureau tied by Boston machine flag cancel, ad text on reverse, Very Fine. Estimate $50 - 75.
Realized: $80

(Gun & Powder) "King" Air Rifles. Multicolor illustrated design on 1906 cover showing Boy with "King" Air Rifle, franked with 1903 2¢ tied by Kansas City, Mo. machine cancel, reverse with attractive multicolor all over advertising showing Crossed Air Rifles; slight cover reduction at right, Very Fine, a wonderful & rare design. Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $190

(Gun & Powder) Laflin & Rand Smokeless Powder. Multicolor illustrated design on 1907 cover showing Soldier Firing Rifle, franked with 1903 2¢ tied by Kansas City, Mo. machine cancel, reverse with red & white advertising text; cover slightly reduced at right, otherwise Very Fine, a rare design. Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $750

(Gun & Powder) Peters Shells and Cartridges. Multicolor illustrated design on cover showing Hunters Relaxing with their Dogs, franked with untied 1¢ green 1902, reverse with attractive allover multicolor text advertising, couple scuffs and bit of edge wear, F.-V.F. and attractive. Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $115

(Gun & Powder) Remington Autoloading Shotgun. Three-color illustrated design on unused cover showing Shotgun and Canadian Geese in Flight, reverse with attractive red & black illustrated advertising showing Shotgun & Axehead with "Remington Rifle Penetration", Very Fine and choice, a rare design. Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $70

(Gun & Powder) Remington Guns & Rifles. Multicolored design on 1901 cover showing Lady with Rifle, franked with 2¢ bureau tied by Baltimore, Md. machine cancel, reverse with allover red and blue text; some mounting thins on reverse, otherwise Very Fine. Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $75

(Gun & Powder) Winchester Repeating Rifles, Shot Guns. Multicolor design on 1903 cover showing Bearded Hunter in Buckskin Jacket & Rifle in background, franked with 1902, 2¢ carmine tied by Los Angeles, Cal. machine cancel; stamp with light corner wrinkle, Very Fine. Scott No. 301 Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $115

(Gun & Powder) Winchester Self-Loading Shotguns. Multicolor illustrated design on unused cover showing Marsh Scene with Hunter Carrying Ducks, reverse with printed Winchester advertising text in red & black, Very Fine and choice. Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $90