(Fair) Ka-Noo-No Karnival and State Fair, Syracuse, N.Y., September 9-14, 1912. Red and blue bordered design showing Washington portrait, 1¢ green pair tied by Syracuse, N.Y. duplex cancels, allover text on reverse, Very Fine. Estimate $75 - 100.
Realized: $75

(Fair) Kentucky State Fair, Seventeenth Annual, Sept. 8-13, 1919, Louisville. Beautiful allover multicolored ad design on reverse corner card cover showing Aeroplanes, Livestock, Produce & Clowns, franked with 2¢ Wash-Frank coil tied by "Louisville, Ky., Aug 5, 1919" machine postmark, Extremely Fine. Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $190

(Fair) Tonawanda Driving Park and Fair Ground Association, Tonawanda, N.Y. Illustrated corner card cover showing Horse Racing Scene, franked with 1887, 1¢ ultramarine tied by oval handstamp, fresh and Very Fine. Estimate $75 - 100.
Realized: $70

(Flight) The Great Airship Races, Savannah, Ga., November 1 to 6th. Red and blue illustrated ad cover showing Airships in Flight, franked with 2¢ Seward imperf tied by "Savannah, Ga., Oct 30, 1909" machine postmark, to Osterville, Mass.; trivial edge wear, Very Fine and rare. Scott No. 371 Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $675
(Food & Drink) Allen, Son & Co., Manufacturing Confectioners. Multicolor illustrated fruit and corner card on cover to Dayton, Va., franked with 2¢ red tied by "Baltimore, Md., Sep 4, 1907" machine postmark, with original enclosures; cover reduced at right, otherwise Very Fine (no photo). Estimate $75 - 100.
Realized: $35

(Food & Drink) Aunt Jemima Pancake Flour. Two different illustrated covers showing Aunt Jemima portrait; one on reverse of 1899 cover with allover ad text from New Orleans, La. franked with 1¢ Trans-Miss, other 1897 cover with multicolored product box and black factory scene from St. Joseph, Mo., Very Fine. Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $180

(Food & Drink) Dold - Buffalo. Orange and black stamp return collar and illustrated design showing Horse Drawn Sled Through Forest scene, on cover franked with 1¢ green tied by 1901 Buffalo, N.Y. machine postmark, Very Fine. Estimate $75 - 100.
Realized: $80

(Gun & Powder) DuPont Explosives. Multicolor design on cover showing Man Stacking Powder Boxes, franked with 1908, 2¢ carmine tied by Salinas, Kans. machine cancel, multicolor allover ad on reverse; cover slightly reduced at right, otherwise Very Fine. Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $270

(Gun & Powder) DuPont Smokeless. Multicolor design on 1906 cover showing Cowboy with Rifle on Galloping Horse, franked with 1903 2¢ tied by Topeka, Kans. machine cancel, multicolor design showing Moose, Duck, Quail & Grouse on reverse; cover slightly reduced at right, otherwise Very Fine. Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $725

(Gun & Powder) E.C. Meacham Arms Co. Illustrated ad design showing Spencer 6-Shot Sporting, Police and Cowboy Gun. on 1884, 2¢ brown entire canceled by St. Louis cds and star duplex killer; minor edge toning at top, Very Fine. Estimate $75 - 100.
Realized: $160