1833 Steam-Packet Franklin/Lake Champlain. Bold red circular handstamp with integral Capt. R.W. Sherman, on folded letter to Burlington, Vermont, letter datelined Champlain, 1833, Very Fine and attractive. Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $170

Steamer Amazon. Clear strike of red boxed handstamp on 1850 folded letter to New Orleans, La., with red "Steam 10" in circle handstamp and red "New Orleans, La., Jan 21" receiving cds; faint file fold slightly affecting steamer marking and ink smear at lower left, Very Fine, one of the finest examples of this rare steamboat handstamp. Milgram No. 44 Estimate $500 - 750.
Realized: $675

Kit Carson. Ship endorsement on 1849 printed illustrated steamboat bill of lading, to St. Louis and datelined "Jefferson City, May 15th, 1849" for bales of hemp; file folds, F.-V.F., the only known cover bearing this Missouri river steamboats name. Estimate $200 - 300.
Named after the famous western trapper, the Kit Carson was built near Pittsburgh in 1848 and sunk shortly thereafter in October of 1849.
Realized: $425

(Steamer Zephyr). 1868 letter written on board tells of Ft. Benton (Montana) to Ft. Sully (Dakota) trip, cover is postmarked "Quin To St. Joe, R.P.O." with Pacific House, St. Joseph, Mo., corner card franked with 1867, 3¢ rose, F. grill (flaws), opened roughly at right, Fine, interesting early steamer/Railway Post Office connection. Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $350

Louisville & Cincinnati Mail Line. Bold balloon cds tying 1851 3¢ dull red (large margins to just touched at bottom left) on blue 1852 folded cover to Philadelphia; cover neatly refolded, otherwise Extremely Fine. Estimate $400 - 600.
Realized: $625

(New Orleans) Mail Route. Red arc handstamp on 1828 folded cover from New Orleans to New York with manuscript "25" rate, cover endorsed at bottom left "pr Belle", Very Fine and scarce. Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $160

1799-1800 Boston Ship Letter To London. Folded letter datelined "Boston Nov 9, 1799" endorsed "Minnoa, Capt. Barber", with straight line "Ship-Lre" handstamp and red "London Jan 6 1800" cds on reverse; light folds, Very Fine. Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $100

1814 New York to London via Europe. Folded letter datelined "New York 25th March 1814" to Warrington, England, passing through blockade by Cartel of Flag of Truce vessel with triple "7/3" manuscript rate, backstamps including "Foreign, Ma. 24" cds, Very Fine. Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $325

1817 Amsterdam to Province, R.I. December 17 dateline on folded letter with "per Eagle" endorsement, red "New - London, Ct., Feb 21" cds with matching straight line "Ship" handstamp and manuscript "22" rate, reverse with bold sharp "Forwarded by, Hottinguer & Co., Havre" oval handstamp, Very Fine. Estimate $100 - 200.
Realized: $200

1846 Paris, France to Baltimore, Md. Folded letter with manuscript "Paquebot anglais du 4 Obre" routing from Liverpool via the Caledonia, "Agenica Maritime" oval handstamp and blue "12" rate handstamp applied in Baltimore (2¢ ship + 10¢ inland from Boston), Very Fine. Estimate $500 - 750.
Realized: $675