(Jackson) Jacksonville, Ogn. Cds (Whittlesey #2, R A) tying cancel to 3¢ red Nesbitt entire, 1858 letter datelined "Sterling, O.T.", addressed to Oregon City, O.T., trivial corner wear, fresh and Very Fine. Estimate $250 - 350.
Realized: $125

(Jackson) Jacksonville, Ogn. Cds (Whittlesey #2, R A) on cover to Maine franked with 1857 1¢ + three 3¢ all pen cancelled, 1¢ defective & 3¢ stamps with small perf faults, F.-V.F. Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $75

(Jackson) Jacksonville, Ogn. Two covers, both post-territorial cds postmarks (Whittlesey #3, R6) on 1860 Star-Die entires; first on pen cancelled 10¢ green Star Die to Missouri, slight creasing at top and right; the other has grid cancel on 3¢ red entire (tear top right) to Salem with handstamp "DUE" in circle and manuscript "3", F.-V.F. lot. Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $170

(Jackson) Phoenix, Ogn. Manuscript postmark (Whittlesey #2, R6) franked with pen cancelled 3¢ rose on 1862 usage to Yreka, Cal., corner repair at top right, otherwise attractive Very Fine appearance. Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $50

(Jackson) Phoenix, Oregon. Three covers (Whittlesey #2, 4, unlisted, R 6, 5) first has manuscript postmark dated Oct 12 1870 on pen cancelled 3¢ green entire, cover with tape repairs; second has double circle postmark on 1887 cover with grid cancel on 2¢ green Banknote, reduced at right; third has unlisted cds dated 1884 with target cancelled 2¢ brown Banknote, F.-V.F. lot. Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $60

(Jackson) Rock Point, Ogn. Three covers including manuscript postmark (Whittlesey #1, R6) on 1865 cover franked with 1861 3¢ rose to Kerbyville, Or., 2nd is cds (Whittlesey #2, R5) on cover to Iowa franked with 3¢ Bank Note & 3rd is 1879 registered cover with red cds (slightly enhanced, Whittlesey #3, R6) franked with 3¢ + 10¢ Bank Notes (small perf faults), F.-V.F. Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $200

(Jackson) Rock Point, Oregon, Jackson Co. Town & county postmark (Whittlesey #5, R6) on 1887 cover to California franked with 2¢ Bank Note cancelled by fancy star in circle, slightly reduced at right, Very Fine. Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $100

(Jackson) Sam's Valley, Or. Manuscript postmark (Whittlesey #1, R7) on 1877 cover to Roseburg franked with manuscript cancelled 3¢ Bank Note, cover additionally postmarked with Jacksonville cds & includes original enclosure, Very Fine and rare. Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $85

(Jackson) Soda Springs, Oreg. Cds (Whittlesey #1, R6) on target cancelled 2¢ green entire, to San Francisco, "Bishop Morris" corner card, tape repair at bottom left, F.-V.F. Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $160

(Jackson) Spikenard, Oreg. Clear cds (Whittlesey #2, R6) franked with target cancelled 2¢ green Banknote, on 1889 cover to Sacramento, trivial tear at top, otherwise fresh and Very Fine, a lovely example which is earlier than recorded. Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $210