Arizona Covers. 49 covers & cards, 1870's-1910's, including 1882 Wells, Fargo & Co. to Prescott, fancy 1883 Globe county & postmaster; another Globe on 1906 with illus Kinney House advert; 1885 McDowell with bold star; McDowell 1908 on Indian School Service corner card; manuscript 1883 Jerome; 1879 Camp Thomas cds to D.C.; small purple Camp Grant with matching star in circle killer; 1886 Silver King with oval grid; 1881 Tucson + "Forwarded" in circle duplex; fancy Tempe sawtooth + star killer; 1870's bold Aribaca with negative star in circle; and many more, mixed condition, many F-VF, please inspect (no photo). Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $375

Arizona Territory Covers, 1880-90's. 13 covers and front; postmarks including Benson, Bisbee, Casa Grande, Globe, Prescott, Phoenix (2 different), Tombstone, Tucson (2 different.), Yuma, etc.; mixed condition, generally readable strikes, F.-V.F. Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $70

(Arkansas) Fort Smith, Ark./Aug. 24, 1864. Neat straight line postmark, with second strike cancelling 1861 3¢ rose on cover to Strawberry Point, Iowa, roughly opened at right, F.-V.F. Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $75

Denver City, K.T., Jan 14 1861. Clear strike of fancy arc handstamp on cover to Pennsylvania, franked with 3¢ dull red #26, stamp overlaps, F.-V.F. and rare, Simpson R-9. Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $140

Fort Garland, Colo., Aug 24, 1883. Cds with matching target handstamp tying 3¢ Banknote on cover to Pomeroy, Ohio, with original enclosure from General Pope on Headquarters Department of the Missouri letterhead, Very Fine. Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $80

Mountain City, K.T./1st. Dec. (1860). Manuscript postmark on fresh 1860, 3¢ Star Die entire to Iowa, Very Fine, a wonderful example of this pre-Territorial postmark. Estimate $750 - 1,000.
This mining camp was established in Gregory Diggings in 1859. The post office opened January 17, 1860.
Realized: $2,100

Nevada C.T., Aug 26. Manuscript postmark at left side on cover to Stausburgh, Pa., franked with manuscript canceled 1857, 3¢ dull red; tiny corner and edge tear repairs at left, F.-V.F., an early manuscript postmark. Scott No. 26 Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $575
Colorado Covers. 17 covers, variety of postmarks and usages, including 1864 3¢ pink entire with Colorado City, C.T. duplex to Denver; 1876 pre-Statehood Denver to Mo.; 1883 fancy duplex Breckenridge; 1887 Pittsburgh, Col., 1876 Lake City; cute real photo girl on donkey; 1896 elaborate illustrated "Festival of Mountain and Plain" on reverse of hotel advertising; 1900 Arlington with Pacific Express Co. rail car illustrated corner card; mixed to F-VF condition, please inspect (no photo). Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $150
Colorado Covers, 1860's-1905. Collection of 24 items, including some territorial period with Denver and "negative M" variations, several #65 usages including "Spanish Bar"; "Silver Cliff" on 3¢ Banknote, boxed purple 1877 "Rosita" on 3¢ entire; few advertising, corner cards, etc; condition mixed, please inspect (no photo). Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $160

(Dakota) Starkey, Dakota. Double line cds and matching cork handstamp canceling 2¢ red brown on cover to Mitchel, Dak. forwarded to Woonsocket, with "Mitchel, Dak., Jun 5, 1885" forwarding cds over origin postmark, reverse with Mitchel M.O.B. and receiving postmarks;cover soiling and tear at right, Fine. Estimate $75 - 100.
Realized: $130