Hawaii, Honolulu, H.I., Paid All, May 14, 1878. Red rimless cds (MH 221.02) on cover to Auburndale, Mass., franked with 1875, 2¢ brown, horizontal strip of three tied by target handstamps, San Francisco transit backstamp, Very Fine. Scott No. 35 Estimate $400 - 600.
Realized: $450
Hawaii, Honolulu, H.I., Post Office, Jun 2, 1879. Rimless cds (MH 223.029) on locally addressed cover, franked with 1875, 2¢ brown (margin nicks at top) tied by two different target handstamps, Very Fine appearance. Scott No. 35 Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $260
Hawaii, Honolulu, Hawaii. Red cds on 3 incoming registered entires; including 1888 Belgium uprated 25c letter card with red London transit, 1893 France commercial corner card cover & 1899 Canada up-rated 2¢ on 3¢ entire from Toronto, all with San Francisco registry etiquette; few flaws, F.-V.F. Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $525
Hawaii, Honolulu, Hawaiian - Islands, Sep 4. Bold cds (MH 243.03) on cover to Lahaina, Maui, franked with 1875, 2¢ brown tied by target handstamp, 1876 docketing at right, Very Fine. Scott No. 35 Estimate $250 - 350.
Realized: $375
Hawaii, Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands, Nov 5. Red cds (MH 236.11) on buff cover to New Bedford, Mass., "San Francisco, Cal., Nov 28" cds with matching straight line "Ship" and "12" rate handstamps (10¢ postage + 2¢ ship fee), manuscript "Honolulu, Novm 5/53, Bill of Lading Whale Bone from ship Hunter" docketing on front, Very Fine and choice, an attractive ship letter usage originatin on the New Bedford whaling ship Hunter. Estimate $1,000 - 1,500.
Realized: $850