Hawley & C's Express. Black oval handstamp on 1850 folded letter to Sacramento City with "Care of Mr. Hawley Exp. San Francisco" manuscript endorsement, letter datelined New York, Feb. 14, 1850, and carried by hand "By Mr. Huff," contents of letter talks of gold and other business issues and that Mr. Huff will carry aboard ship, almost Very Fine, a very scarce handstamp from this short-lived express. Estimate $750 - 1,000.
T.R. Hawley in early January of 1850, bought out his partners in Hawley's Express to form Hawley & Co.'s Express. By that November, he was bought out by the newly founded Freeman's Express.
Realized: $2,900

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Holland, Morley & Co.'s Express/Marysville, Cal. Blue double oval handstamp ties 3¢ rose to cover front with black ribbon printed company frank, to Port Wine, Sierra Co., Very Fine. Estimate $500 - 750.
This extremely rare frank and usage date from the original Holland, Morley & Co.'s Express partnership, which was started in 1862 to provide service between Marysville and the Gibsonville Ridge and Feather River mining camps, late in 1862 Morley sold out to Sam Wheeler and a string of different franks and handstamps followed.
Realized: $950

Horn's Yreka, Fort Jones & Scott River Tri-Weekly Express. Fancy box in purple frank handstamp on top of Wells Fargo printed frank on 1873 3¢ Plimpton entire to San Francisco, transferred to Wells, Fargo & Co. with blue "Wells Fargo/Yreka" oval (Leutzinger Type 11-9), slightly reduced at left, Very Fine, a rare frank applied by this small express operating along the Scott River and always on Wells, Fargo & Co. entires. Estimate $400 - 600.
Realized: $280

Hunter & Co.'s Express. Black oval handstamp with Horse & Rider addressed to Sacramento City & carried to "Murd(erers) Bar", with manuscript endorsement and "1.45" express rate, cover originating blue cds at Fairfield, Ct., with manuscript "20", some reinforcement at bottom with few wrinkles, Fine and rare. Estimate $750 - 1,000.
Realized: $475

Hunter & Co.'s Express. Oval handstamp with Horse & Rider in center on buff cover to Placerville with blue Marysville, Cal. cds & matching numeral "5" rate handstamp, manuscript notation "E.D. Slide" (El Dorado Slide) & "1.30" Express rate, some cover aging & restoration including mended tear through Marysville cds, flap replaced, greatly improving this cover with its incredible strike of the Horse and Rider, Very Fine appearance. Estimate $500 - 750.
The cover was mailed at Marysville & carried by the Post Office to Placerville (El Dorado County) and take by Hunter to be delivered to "E.D. Slide" (El Dorado Slide mine). Hunter operated over the American River and its branches principally in El Dorado County.
Realized: $250

Hunter & Co.'s Express/Yankee Jim's. Bold black double oval handstamp, to Nevada City, Upper California, endorsed "Via New York" and originating postmark "Independence, Mo"., and matching "10" rate handstamp, cover with some aging, Fine and rare. Estimate $500 - 750.
Realized: $325

Lamping & Co.'s Express. Fancy black company printed frank on 3¢ pink entire, with Wells, Fargo & Co. Marysville oval handstamp, to San Francisco, bit of damage to backflap & trivial aging at top, nice conjunctive usage, ex-Barkhausen. Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $105

Langton's & Bro.'s Express/Camptonville. Full blue oval handstamp on 1853, 6¢ green entire to Wyoming, Pa., canceled by blue grid handstamp with matching "Marysville, Cal., Feb 15" cds; light file folds and edge wear, F.-V.F., very scarce. Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $115

Langton's Pioneer Express. Black company frank on 3¢ pink entire, to France, with manuscript "Paid 30" & red "New York, Paid 24" exchange cds, 1862 French transit markings, some aging and tears on back, still Fine. Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $600

Langton's Pioneer Express. Black frank on 1855, 10¢ Nesbitt entire to Boston, Mass., blue "Wells, Fargo & Co., S. Frco., Jan 28" cds cancelling, entering the mails with red "Boston, Mass., Mar 5" cds; small cover tear at top, Very Fine, a scarce express combination. Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $125