Confederacy, New Market, Va./Sep. 4. Cds with matching manuscript "Paid 5" rate on 1861 cover addressed to "David Kagey, In Capt. Rice's Company, Monterey, Highland Co., Virginia", included is original enclosure which mentions, drive the Yankees away, Very Fine. Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $325

Confederacy, Norfolk, Va., Aug 26, 1861. Blue double cds with matching "10" rate handstamp, on "Tuskegee Light Infantry, Company C., Third Regiment Alabama Volunteers, Entrenched Camp, Near Norfolk, Va," regimental soldiers cover to Tuskegee, Ala.; rough cover opening at small repair at left, otherwise Very Fine; S. Ashbrook handstamp on reverse. Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $500

Confederacy, Norfolk, Va., Jul 2, 1861. Blue double circle postmark with double strike of handstamped "Paid" and separate "20", type IIC, catalogs $400 in 1986 Dietz, to Tuskegee, Ala. no doubt with overweight contents for double rate, reduced at left and tiny upper left corner restoration, F.-V.F., a nice usage; signed MacBride. Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $125

Confederacy, Norfolk, Va., Jun 19, 1861. Blue cds with matching "Paid" in circle and "5" rate handstamps on blind embossed merchant corner card cover to Weldon, N.C., Very Fine. Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $200

Confederacy, Orange C.H., Va., Mar 21. Orange cds with matching "Due 10" handstamp on cover to Mobile, Ala., with additional "10" rate handstamp applied at Mobile & manuscript Soldier's endorsement at top, Very Fine. Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $220

Confederacy, Petersburg, Va., Jul 25. Blue cds with matching straight line "Paid" and "10" rate handstamps on cover with green "R.A. Young & Bro. Grocers & General Merchants" allover shaded ad, addressed to New Orleans from the Hoy correspondence, Very Fine and attractive. Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $525

Confederacy, Richmond, Va. Blue san-serif circular postmark without date in blue (Powell type 6f) on soldier endorsed cover to Altavista, Va., matching straight line "Due 10" handstamp, Very Fine, a scarce Richmond postmark used for only a few weeks in May & June of 1863 only on army mail, ex Tickel. Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $150

Confederacy, Richmond, Va., Jan 18, 1862. Cds (Powell type 2a) and "Paid" handstamp with pencil "2" cents drop letter rate on obsolete U.S. 1860 3¢ Star Die entire with crossed out indicia, locally addressed to "Pres Eliezander Stephens" [sic], flap removed as usual for Stephens correspondence, docketing on back indicates sender was a Confederate soldier in Richmond hospital requesting a discharge, Very Fine, extremely rare 2¢ rate on old U.S. entire. Estimate $400 - 600.
Realized: $725

Confederacy, Richmond, Va., Jun 20, 1861. Cds (Powell type 1a) on cover to Savannah, Ga. with matching "Paid" straight line handstamp & manuscript "20" double 10¢ rate for over 500 miles; light cover stain and soiling, F.-V.F. Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $120

Confederacy, Richmond, Va., Jun 26, 1861. Cds (Powell type 1a) on unsealed circular rate cover to Charlotte, Va., matching "Paid 2" straight line handstamp, Very Fine and choice, a rare Richmond handstamp paid marking, with 5 examples recorded, ex-MacBride. Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $375