Confederacy, Charleston S.C. Jan. 14, 1861. Double-circle datestamp on cover to Marion C.H. S.C. franked with 1857 3¢ dull red tied by grid cancel, fresh and Very Fine Independent State usage. Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $280

Confederacy, Fork Union (Va.) May 13th. Manuscript forwarding postmark on cover to Charlottesville, Va., "Shelbyville, Ky., May 4" origin cds with matching "Paid" handstamp & manuscript "3" rate, below with manuscript "Paid 5" changed to "3" as there must have been confusion regarding the pending rate change to 5¢ on June 1, Very Fine, ex Kimmel, Gallagher. Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $325

Confederacy, Independent State Usage for South Carolina to Edinburgh, Scotland. Trans-Atlantic Stampless Cover with the "Charleston S.C./Jan. 11, 1861" cds with bold strike of the blue oval handstamp "A. Tobias Sons Charleston S.C." company marking, endorsed at top in manuscript "per Kangaroo for Liverpool" routing instruction, sent via New York where the "New York Br Pkt 5" mark was applied 16 Jan 1861 indicating 5¢ due the USA for unpaid inland delivery as the letter would be crossing the Atlantic on a British packet, however, the letter was too late for the Kangaroo, because the Kangaroo of the Inman Line had already sailed from New York on 12 Jan 1861, instead the cover was carried by the Cunard Packet Australasia which sailed from New York 16 Jan 1861 arriving in Queenstown 26 Jan 1861, Edinburgh receiving mark is on the reverse dated 28 Ja 1861, on arrival in Scotland, manuscript "1/-" added indicating a total of 1 shilling due which was the British trans-Atlantic rate between Britain and the USA using a British packet out of which the equivalent of 5¢ was to be remitted to the USA, vertical file fold, Very Fine and rare, a scarce South Carolina Independent State Usage to Scotland. Estimate $750 - 1,000.
Realized: $950

Confederacy, Memphis, Ten./Jun. 18, 1861. Cds on cover to His Excellency, Isham Harris (Governor), Nashville, Tenn. with matching straight line "Paid" handstamp & "5" rate, Very Fine, a scarce Tennessee Independent States usage, which joined the Confederate States on Jul. 2, 1861, ex-Kohn. Estimate $500 - 750.
Realized: $1,050

Confederacy, Mobile, Ala., Jan 25, 1861. Clear cds tying U.S. 1857, 3¢ dull red on cover to Montgomery, Ala.; cover slightly reduced at left, Very Fine, a choice Independent State usage. Scott No. U.S. 26 Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $325

Confederacy, United States 1857 3¢ dull red. Manuscript cancelled single on 1861 cover postmarked with red "Orange C.H., Va./May 3" cds to Richmond, cover then forwarded to Madison Station, Va. with "Richmond, Va./May 20, 1861" cds (Powell type Ia) & straight line "Forwarded 3" handstamps, included is original enclosure, cover bit rough at top & flap missing, Fine, a rare combination of Independent States & Confederate Usage, as the cover was posted during the Independent States period and forwarded during the Confederate period. Scott No. U.S. 26 Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $325

Confederacy, United States, 1861, 3¢ Star Die entire. Grid canceled with matching "Charleston, S.C., Jan 29, 1861" cds, addressed to Kingstree, S.C.; light cover toning, F.-V.F., South Carolina was admitted to the Confederacy shortly after on February 4th. Scott No. U.S. U26 Estimate $75 - 100.
Realized: $105

Confederacy, Savannah, Ga./Jan. 19, 1861, First Day of Independent States Usage. Postmark with light grid canceling on 1860-61 3¢ Star Die Entire to Darien, Ga., Very Fine. Scott No. U.S. U26 Estimate $750 - 1,000.
A lovely first day cover which is very rare as Georgia was an independent State for only 16 days between Jan. 19 - Feb. 4, 1861.
Realized: $1,100

Confederacy, 7 Star Flag. (Dietz F7-7 var.) patriotic cover in red, white & blue franked with United States 1857 3¢ dull red (corner crease) neatly tied by "Charleston, S.C./Apr. 26, 1861" double circle postmark to Chester, S.C., some cover toning, flap torn, F.-V.F. and attractive, a nice usage of United States adhesive in the Confederacy; with 2007 C.S.A. certificate. Estimate $500 - 750.
Realized: $1,000

Confederacy, Augusta, Ga., Feb 16. 1861 cds tying U.S. 1857, 3¢ dull red on cover to V.P. A.H. Stephens in Montgomery, Ala., docketing at left in Stephens hand; mended cover tear at top and missing backflap (as usual), F.-V.F. Scott No. U.S. 26 Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $70